Author P.O.V
"How did you ask Trey on a date?" Andre questions looking at King across the table who's currently feeding a hungry Nacia who happens to be sitting on his lap. It's one of those days where Nacia and King are weirdly getting along and being friendly around one another, but everybody knows the peace won't last long because as soon as Nacia is full they will be back to beefing for no reason at all.
"I didn't ask" King states with a proud smile on his face it makes Andre sick. Call Andre bitter all you want, but King just has a punchable face when he's happy and content.
"I slut him out, so he does everything I do" King shrugs. His words don't help Andre figure out a way to ask his boyfriend on a date nor do they help him build the confidence to do so.
"Pretty sure he sluts you out, but go off," Andre says making King scrunch up his face in offense. He doesn't like the narrative Andre is pulling out because King definitely sluts Trey out...right?
"What do you mean by that?" King questions an eyebrow acting clueless.
"It means you're a whore of a bottom" Andre states and King gasps dramatically covering Nacia's ears who's too busy now playing with his food instead of listening to Andre and King's conversation. Nacia pouts confusingly and looks at King as if he's asking for an explanation as to why his ears are being covered.
"Ew you're so cute," King says grinning down at the pouting Nacia.
"Thank you," Nacia says grinning brightly back before going back to playing with his food. Andre thinks it's cute that Nacia manages to somehow look as if he's related to everyone he lives with biologically because of the way he's able to pick up their personality traits and even facial expressions to pertain to specific people.
Andre has noticed that Jordyn and Nacia make the same expressions when they're being judgmental towards someone (King), Nacia cackles the same way Shawn does when he can't stop laughing, and he tries to act tough and scary like Trey, but Andre is sure that a child as cute as Nacia could never be as scary as Trey even if he took millions of years trying to perfect the art that is Trey's persona.
At the moment Andre notices that Nacia has developed a thing for allowing the same radiant grin that extends to King's bright eyes to take over his small chubby face.
"Andre I am not a W-H-O-R-E," King says spelling the word instead of saying it in front of Nacia who happens to be very impressionable when it comes to what he hears especially if it sounds like he can potentially use it as an insult against King.
"Oh, really what was in your search history again?" Andre questions with a raised brow as a way to let King know he's challenging.
"I was mentally ill!" King defends making Andre laugh softly at his dramatics. Andre will never get enough of teasing King it's just so fun.
"Was?" Andre questions while King rolls his eyes.
"I was really about to give you some real advice on how to ask your boyfriend out, but then you went and did all that" King scowls. King isn't a very observant person, so he doesn't notice the way Andre's pupils dilate when he hears King refer to Shawn as his boyfriend. Nor does he hear the way Andre's heart skips a beat before warmth engulfs it. One can't blame King for not noticing because even the most observant person wouldn't have noticed these things that happened in milliseconds to Andre at the mention of his significant other.
"Can you just give me advice you doin too much" Andre says and King scoffs.
"Am I doing too much Nacia?" King questions and the now sleepy Nacia shakes his head sleepily with a small yawn. Causing King to look at Andre with a smug look on his face. Andre rolls his eyes at King because it's clear Nacia doesn't even understand the question he was just asked.

Boys Next Door
Short Story"Y'all we should go trick or treating" "So. . . .no candy?" OR trick or treating goes wrong, but does it??