Author P.O.V
2 weeks later"Y'all remember when I almost got us killed 2 weeks ago?" Andre asks laughing his ass off like he just made the funniest joke ever causing his two best friends to give him unimpressed looks.
For the most part everything was back to normal and they three boys were back to their usual schedule that involved lots of lectures, Netflix, Disney plus, and TikTok. Nobody was showing any signs of being awfully effected by the evens that happed 2 weeks ago. They were surprised that the three men next door actually left them alone and weren't trying to kill them anymore.
"Guys don't you think this is going a little to perfect?" Dominique questions feeling as if they the last 2 weeks have been too normal considering the things they've's almost making him feel numb.
"Yea but like it's hard to feel anything about it because it's perfect just like we wanted...right?" Andre says in a questioning voice feeling happy and a little suspicious of the last 2 weeks it feels like nothing happened.
"Honestly, I think it's been way to quiet...I don't like it when it's quiet" King says quietly with a deep sigh after the chaotic week they had the silence and peacefulness that's always been with them has made him feel unease.
"I feel like the mafia leaders should've busted into our house with guns and shit a long time ago" Andre says wondering why their lives aren't more like action movies like after what they saw they should've been jumped into a gang and the only way they could've been allowed out would be if they were dead in bodybags.
"we anticipating some crazy shit to happen das funny and crazy" King laughs softly at the fact all of them are on their toes and there won't be any surprises of something does go down.
"Nothing will probably go down because they haven't been in that house for the last two weeks" King adds on just as quiet earning questionable looks from Dom and Andre basically screaming the words how the fuck do you know that?
"What? I can't help but keep an eye on the house to see if anything shady happens" King explains only to get more questionable looks. King scowls when he sees he's not getting through to his friends "You know what fuck you guys" King finally finishes rolling his eyes at his two best friends.
"It's a house where mafia leaders house live, there's bound to be some shady shit to happen" Dominique says using logic making Andre nod his head in agreement.
"But I guess there's nothing to worry about if they haven't been there these past two weeks...right?" Andre questions almost anxiously as he looks at his two best friends hoping they feel the same way, but it's hard to tell when your best friends have conflicted feelings about the situation as well.
"Ughhhhh Guys we need to stop worrying about those losers and go out and have fun" Andre concludes standing up from the couch abruptly casing King and Dominique to jump at his sudden boost of energy.
"Who says I'm worried? I just think that it's strange how they've been missing for a few weeks" King huffs crossing his arms over his chest, he obviously thinks the word "worry" was the wrong word to use to describe his emotions it sounds to intimate and friendly, which is not what the emotion he's feeling right now.
"Okay King, but Andre is right we need to go out and enjoy life" Dominique says heading towards his room to change into something more suitable to walk around in public.
"Yes we need to Carpe Diem!" Andre exclaims before Dominique completely goes inside his room laughing softly. Soon King and Andre also leave the living room to go change as well.
Naturally Dominique is the first one done changing into something more appropriate, Andre is the second one, and now they're waiting for King to finish changing which never good because it could take a number of hours instead of minutes.
"King I'm sure you look amazing, can we leave now!" Andre shouts loud enough for king to hear from his room. A muffled "no!" comes from kings room that causes both Andre and Dominique to groan loudly.
When King finally walks out of his room Andre and Dominique are already done with his shit because this boy had the audacity to make them wait that long only for him to come out of his room in black sweatpants, a white hoodie, and some clean white air forces.
"Fuck you" Is all Andre and Dominique say in unison unamused when they see king. Causing the other boy to laugh his ass off.
"I'm not driving" Andre says quickly when they step outside taking in the amazing cool autumn air that meets their bodies.
"It's you thinking we was finna let you drive in the first place for me" Dominique says getting into the drivers seat as King gets into the passenger seat laughing softly, while Andre goes in the back with a pout knowing that he won't have a saying in the music they play in the car, and because of Dominique's comment, he literally crashed the car into a pole one time trying to pull up at a gas station and suddenly he's deemed unworthy of driving.
"I wanna go to the mall" King and Andre declare at the same time, Dominique sighs deeply before starting their car and heading towards the mall while playing loud music that King and Andre obnoxiously sing along to just to annoy Dominique.
"Y'all have such ugly voices" Dominique says wincing when Andre tries to reach a high note that he clearly cannot reach even with enough vocal coaching and practice.
The boys laugh loudly at Dominique's comment without a care in the world, for the first time in a few weeks the evens of Halloween and the three men aren't hunting any of their minds.
Little do they know they've made a huge imprint in a certain part of the world they know nothing about.
Hshshahjakaoaksbdb I don't know what I'm doing 😫🤣

Boys Next Door
Short Story"Y'all we should go trick or treating" "So. . . .no candy?" OR trick or treating goes wrong, but does it??