Tell us 'bout your girlfriend

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BlackTwiceVelvet are having a group camp outside the resort they are staying at.


No One's POV

              Jennie, Jeongyeon, Lalisa, Nayeon, Sana, Seulgi, Joy are sitting on the bonfire they created, while the other girls are there near the water, chatting, they watch them

Lalisa then saw the other girls looking at them, so before they get killed by their girlfriends, "Hey, Jennie-unnie", Lisa called to which everyone looks at her, "Hm yeah?", Jennie asked, "You and long have you two been together?", Lisa asked, and everyone seemed to be intrigued

Jennie looks at the other pair of group and looks back to the group with her, "About a year, I'd say, but it feels like...I've been with her ever since", Jennie says as she smiles

Jeongyeon then sees the smile of their friend, "Well...tell us about your girlfriend, go on", Jeongyeon said as the others nodded

Jennie looks at each of them as she sighed and points at the guitar, "Gimme that", Joy then hands the guitar over, as Jennie plays a soft melody

She's been my queen, since we were sixteen

We want the same things, we dream the same dreams, alright

"Alright!!", Lisa shouts that caughts the other groups attention, especially Rosie's, they watch them and slowly made way, "Alright", Jennie sings

"Can't relate", Sana says as she leans a little bit forward, "That's cause you're a flirt, Sana, still can't know how Tzuyu tolerate you", Nayeon said as she looks at Sana, Sana then pouts, "Hope all", Seulgi says, "Anything else you have to say?", Joy then asks as Jennie smiles

I got it all, cause she is the one

Her mom calls me love, her dad calls me hon, alright

"Alright!!", all of them said, "Man, got the parent's trust, huh, you doing good, Kim", Jeongyeon said, "Really great step, if you ask me", Irene said as she take the spot next to her girlfriend, "But are you sure, she's the one you want?", Seulgi asked and earns a smack from Irene

Seulgi held her head, "I was just asking", Jennie then chuckles, as she nods

I know, I know
I know for sure

They all look at her, "What makes you sure?", Nayeon asks, raising her eyebrow as she hugs her girlfriend who sat beside her

Jennie then looks at Rosie who also sat beside her and smiles, Rosie reprocating the smile

Everybody wanna steal my girl


"For the million of times, I don't like you", Rosie said as she push the boy away, "Oh come on, Park, don't be so hard to get", the boy said smirking, leaning closer to Roseanne until he felt the ground

"WHAT THE FU–", Jennie throw a punch and another and another, until Roseanne decided that it was enough, "Hey love no...stop...", Rosie said as she pick Jennie up

Jennie scoffs but decided to obey Roseanne, "Come near her again...or anyone in particular...I'll make sure that your life will be a living hell", Jennie said as she hold Roseanne's hand, "Stay away from MY girlfriend", Jennie said and they walked away


Everybody wanna take her heart away


The Prom night was supposed to be fun, for Jennie and the others, but unfortunately, Jennie is seeing her girlfriend wearing the tiara for Prom Queen as the Prom King was the one she doesn't want near her girlfriend, Daniel Matthews

The guy who longed for her girlfriend but couldn't take the hint that Roseanne is already off the market

"And now for the traditional dance", Nayeon said as she motioned for the two, slightly annoyed at the man

Roseanne was abiut to take the hand of Daniel but retracts, and look for her girlfriend in the crowd, as soon as she saw Jennie, she smiles, "I can't...", Roseanne said and gasps followed

Jennie became confused as stood up, "I can't dance with someone because...", Roseanne said as she just kept looking at Jennie

Nayeon and the others caught on with what she meant, "Because?", Jihyo asked, hoping her cousin would answer, "Because I already have my very own queen, who doesn't need a tiara or any crown to prove that...I need to dance with her, cause I will", Roseanne said as she takes the tiara off and walks down the stage, everyone making way for her

Roseanne still smiling at a confused Jennie, "In any day...any hour, I'd want to dance with her", Roseanne said as she stood in front of Jennie who is now smiling


Couple billion in the whole wide world

Well find another one cause she belongs to me

Jennie finishes as she still is looking at Rosie who just smiled lovingly, "Isn't that so sweet", Jihyo said, everyone agreeing

Jennie gives the guitar back to Joy, who gave it to Dahyun, Rosie sitting close to her and leaning on her shoulder as they watch their friend play and Jihyo sing

"I love you", Rosie said as she looks at Jennie, Jennie then looks down at her, "I love you too", Jennie replies as she also kisses Roseanne's head


A/N: Wassup wassup been a long time, right? Well, here you go, I got this idea when I actually saw it in Youtube it was actually between Hermione and Y/N

But it seems to work out, right?

Anyways stay safe, stay hydrated and lots of love❤❤
Thanks for readingggggg❤❤

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