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No One's POV

Sana, Joy, Nayeon "likes" Jennie and Rosie is furious at how they made the moves on Jennie in front of her


It was Sana at first, when Jennie called Rosie to her office about where they should eat for lunch, "Now I'm thinking...I'm actually up for some beef so", Rosie trails as Jennie laughs, there was a knock on the door

They both looked and saw Sana, shyly smiling at them, "Uhm, excuse me for interrupting", Sana said as she look at Jennie, "Oh no, it's okay, what is it, Sana?", Jennie politely asked, "Well...I was uh...wondering if I can ask you something", Sana said, Rosie squints her eyes

What's her deal? Why is she...oh my god, is Sana trying to make the moves on my Jennie?!, Rosie thoughts as she just look between Jennie and Sana, "Well you can ask me right here", Jennie said, Sana then looks at Rosie then looks down, "Well, Miss Kim, I was wondering if you're free tonight? For dinner, I mean", Sana said

Rosie and Jennie were both shock to be honest, Sana continues to look down, "I–uh...wow, uhm, thank you for the kind offer, Sana but I don't think I can accept it, I already ma–have plans", Jennie said politely as Sana sadly smiles and nods, she then made her way out, while feeling the glare of Park Chaeyoung


The second one who tried was Joy, cousin of Rosie, now, you might think she won't glare at her own cousin, yeah think again, cause here she is, glaring at Joy, who was too close and too touchy for her own good around Jennie Kim

"Hi, sorry, there was a line", Rosie said, talking about the restroom, she went for like 10 mins and came back with her cousin all over her best friend, who happens to move closer to her as soon as she sat down

"So what're you guys talking about?", Rosie asked as she drank her beer, "Well, Jennie is actually just talking about the upcoming annual ball, she'll host, and I actually suggest for her to take a date", Joy said as she sips on her wine, as she did a look over at Jennie, while Rosie was glaring at her

"And I told her, I'd rather want to be alone, than be on a date with someone...who can't I don't know satify my needs", Jennie said as look at Rosie, and sips on her wine as well

Rosie went home that night confused, was she mad at Joy for trying to make a move on Jennie or wabt to blush at the memory of Jennie looking at her with those...how can she even explain the eyes!!


Third and the last one to try, was their mutual friend Nayeon, "Oh wow, Jennie Kim, look at you, so beautiful", Nayeon compliments Jennie, who blushed, Rosie clears her throat, "Oh and little Park, look at you...looking so...handsome", Nayeon said, eyes dropping to review Rosie's body, okay I guess apparently the third one isn't someone hitting on Jennie but at Rosie

"I–uh", Rosie stutters as Nayeon slid her hand up and down Rosie's arms, bitting her lip, and Jennie getting mad at it, "Okay, give a distance, there we go", Jennie said as she successfully dragged Nayeon away from Rosie


"So do we now tell them?", Rosie asks, as she sets up plates for the dinner they set up with their friends at Jennie's penthouse, Jennje nods, "Didn't like the way, Nayeon was all over me, did you?", Rosie asked, wrapping her arms around Jennie's waist, "Okay, I am not entirely fond that Nayeon was all over you", Jennie said, Rosie giggles, "Don't worry, I'm all yours", Rosie said as she kissed Jennie's temple


On one fine morning, Jennie was talking with Nayeon, Joy and Sana with their other friends, when, "Hey lovie, do you want scotch or just red wi–oh hi", Rosie said when she looks up to find ALL of their friends who had their jaw drop

"LOVIE?!", Lisa yells as she points between Jennie and Rosie, Jennie who was trying to stpp herself from laughing and Rosie, slowly walking backwards, "Di–didn't see you guys...uhm I'll be in the kitchen...drowning myself in the sink, BYE!!", Rosie said as she ran back to the kitchen



"Oh well, mission accomplished even tho, those two got together way before", Joy said as she raised her glass, "Yeah well...we thought, we might as well give ourselves time to tell you...but we never knew you'd do such a thing and do that", Jennie said as Rosie nods

Nayeon shakes her head, "Please, you were already planning my death in that head of yours when I did the moves on Rosie", Nayeon said, as Jihyo stops drinking, "You did the moves on Rosie?!", Jihyo shouts, Nayeon looks at her, "Okay well that was for a good cause, Park, and look where it lead to", Nayeon said, Jihyo sighs

The others laughed at them, "Right? Rosie was ready to murder me when I openly flirted with Jennie at that club, and girl, I was scared for my life", Joy said as she sips on her wine, "What about me? I swear, if I stayed for another minute at Jennie's office, Rosie would've dragged me outside", Sana said as the others laugh

"Okayyyy not my fat you were hitting on my girlfriend", Rosie said, "Well that just concludes...that you're the jealous type", Joy said, as Jennie and the others nods, "I am not!!", Rosie said, but no one longer listens

"I'M NOT!!"



Wassup my fellow humans, another update from your dear author hahahahaha, I mean this is the last day of Feb, so why not give you guys a little something something, right?

Anyways, wherever you are, if it's day or night, I hope you are having a wonderful day, if it isn't there is always tomorrow, when you're feeling down, just remember this, it's okay to not be okay

Stay safe, take care, stay hydrated, wear your masks and thank you for readinggggg

I will see you guys on the next update


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