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No One's POV

Jennie walks down the corridor towards the Great Hall, as she hears someone shout for her name, "Oi Jennie!!", she looks behind her to see Draco and his goons, "Malfoy", Jennie said, "Kim", Draco says as he smiles at her, they all then went inside

Jennie took a seat next to Pansy as Draco then sat across between Goyle and Zabini, "You were alone coming here", Pansy started as she looked towards Jennie

Jennie sighed, "I had to make sure, Valerie, wouldn't mess up our Herbology project. I swear, it is even more annoying than Park, and here I thought it would be unbeaten in the top ranks of being annoying", Jennie says as she hears giggles around her

"Don't worry, Kim...the feeling is so mutual", Jennie hears a voice behind her and she look quickly, "Ah Park", Jennie said as she smiles fakingly. Roseanne with Hermione tagging along and another girl to her left, Jennie noticed this as she then stands up

Jennie then stuck her hand out, "I am afraid, I haven't noticed you...but it does seem you aren't new", Jennie said as she smiles, "Who might you be, m'lady? My name's Jennie...Jennie Kim", Jennie slightly smirk

The younger girl then shake the hand of Jennie, "Weasley...Ginny Weasley", the girl said shyly, however it slightly irritated a certain girl

Jennie then held the hand of Ginny, "Weasley, you say? I see, I see...well it seems like the good genes has finally kicked in", Jennie says as she kisses the back of Ginny's hand, making the girl blush and duck her head

Draco and the others shared a chuckle, as a certain girl was glaring at Jennie, Jennie seemed to notice it as she looks at the girl, "Oh come on, Rosie, don't be jealous", Jennie said, that once again earned a round of chuckles

Roseanne scoffs, "Me? Jealous? And why would I, Kim? I would never let myself be attracted to a Slytherin, let alone you", Roseanne says as she crosses her arms

Jennie then chuckle, "Is that why, I catch you staring at me every chance you got?", Jennie smirked even wider, Roseanne's cheek reddens but she then composed herself

She then move closer to Jennie who, btw was shock, Roseanne lines up her lips to Jennie's ear, "Then it just means...I'm not the only one staring", Roseanne whispers and backs away to see a flushed Jennie, she giggles

"Cat got your tongue?", Roseanne asks to a still flushed Jennie, which surprised her friends, "Oh well...I'll see you at Potions tomorrow, Kim", Roseanne said as the three went away to sit with Harry and the others in their house

Jennie then regained herself as she then sat down immediately, she then hear laughter, "Oh my god, Jen...she got you wrapped around her finger", Pansy said

Jennie then looked at her with an annoyed look, "Oh shut up, Parkinson", and she continued to eat, as she slightly steal glances at the Gryffindor table, watching Roseanne laugh with the others, later, Roseanne feels eyes on her as she looked for the culprit she sees Jennie, she then smirks as Jennie looks away


"Ravenclaw house? Having a party? Really Chu? That's...slightly unusual?", Jennie says as she walks with her best friend Jisoo, who happens to be a Ravenclaw, "How can it be unusual? You know what, Jenduekie? Just because it's Ravenclaw who's going to be hosting a party later, doesn't mean it will bore you", Jisoo said as she looks at her friend

Jennie then raise both of her hands up, "Woah turtle, I mean tiger", Jennie said and Jisoo rolls her eyes

As the two approached their class which happens to be potions, they see another two figures approaching, "Oh how wonderful", Jennie mutters. Roseanne looks ahead and her cheerful smile falls into an annoyed one

Jisoo and the girl beside Roseanne felt the tension, "Rosie, Lisa", Jisoo said as she smiled towards the two, Lisa waved at Jisoo, "Jisoo...Jennie", Roseanne smiles at Jisoo but drops it once she looked at Jennie

"Uhm...let's head inside, yeah?", Lisa ushered, as Jisoo and Lisa went inside, with Roseanne following leaving Jennie to enter last, they then went in to see everyone standing, so Roseanne went near Hermione, as Jennie then went beside Pansy

Professor Slughorn then looks at everyone, "The last time, we all brewed some Draught of the Living Dead and luckily...two, among you succeed in brewing it, let us give them a round of applause", and they then clapped

"Today...we will brew ourselves some potion...but not an ordinary potion...who here can tell me the name of the potion that emits the scent of their soulmate when you smell it?", Slughorn asks as Hermione then raises her hand, with Roseanne looking at her with a smile, Jennie seeing this rolled her eyes

"Ah yes, Miss?", Slughorn asks for her name, "Pa–Granger I mean, Granger, sir", Hermione stutters, Roseanne has a light blush on her cheeks and Ron and Harry teasing her

Hermione moves forward, "This is Amortentia, sir...the most powerful love potion in the world", she said as she took another step forward, " It is rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them the most...for example", Hermione then smells a bit of the potion, "I smell...old books, new", Hermione says as she spared a look at Roseanne before moving back

Professor Slughorn smiles, "Very well...anyone else, who like to try? Ah perhaps Miss Park?", Horace looks at Roseanne, who was a little shock, and was pushed by Ron to move forward, "I-uh...uhm...", Roseanne stutters as she managed to stand by the cauldron, "I...I smell roses, ink, old books...", Roseanne says as she began to smile, "Cinnamon...", she continues as her smile began to falter, and she coughs her way back

Ron and Harry both snickered, Hermione looking down shyly, Jennie pissed, Roseanne confused. Slughorn let the others try to smell their scents, as it went to Jennie

Ink, freshly baked bread, classic, Jennie thought, New parchments, Park's perfume, green app–

Jennie shot her eyes open as she look at Park's direction, she then looked down at the cauldron and look back at Park, " can't be", Jennie says as she took a step back, "Woah there...what did you smell?", Jisoo put a hand behind Jennie's back, "Something...I never would've thought to happen", Jennie says as she kept looking at Roseanne

Jisoo then followed her gaze and smiles, Rosie, the sweet, innocent, loving, Rosie. Who apparently is dating the one and only, Hermione Granger, people say they are perfect together, bookworms, always studying, and it wasn't even a surprise to everyone, well not their friends perhaps that they were dating

Jisoo then again looks at her friend who has a terrified expression, "Jen?", Jisoo asked, " you you possibly think...I might fancy Park over there?", Jennie asked, Jisoo then snickered, "Park? Roseanne Park? That Park? Are you mental?", Jisoo asks as she gave Jennie a weird expression

"And besides, the both of you can't stand each other, IN the same room, let alone you both liking one another or one of you liking the other, even if it is secretly, it doesn't have a chance because like I said, you two can't stand sitting next together in the same room", Jisoo said as she look at Roseanne and back to Jennie who was still looking at Roseanne

Jisoo saw how Jennie held a stare much more different from everythimg she usually gives out, she thought something to herself but she left it in her mind to process, while her friend was slowly dying, and slowly accepting the fact that she might have a slight crush on Park

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