The Proposal

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No One's POV

The door to Suzy's apartment buzzed as she then made way to open, to her surprise it was Jennie, "Where is she?", Jennie asked as she came in, "She's not here and come in", Suzy said as she closes the door, "Right, like this glass right here proves that she wasn't here, sure, Bae", Jennie said as she then began to look around

"Okay...she was here...but then she left", Suzy said, Jennue looks at her, "Well, where did she go?", Jennie asked, Suzy shrugs, "Well she...she said she had to think things over", Suzy said as Jennie scoffs

"Oh my God, I can't believe this, you know...I thought–I thought you were a great person", Jennie said, "Okay, look, nothing happened", Suzy said as Jennie scoffs again and steps closer, "Nothing? So you didn't tell my girlfriend that you love her?", Jennie asked, Suzy sighs

"Well thing happened", Suzy said, "You know what I can't believe know what you did? My girlfriend is out there thinking things made my girlfriend think!", Jennie yelled as Suzy then steps closer, "Well, I'm sorry", Suzy said as Jennie looks at her like she won't accept the apology

"And what's there to think about? I love her", Jennie said, "Well...apparently I'm willing to offer her things that you are not", Suzy said as Jennie stepped closer, "But I AM willing to offer her those things...these was just all a know, to throw her off course so when I offered all these things, she'd be surprised", Jennie said as Suzy looks down then back at Jennie

"Well if it helps, it worked very well", Suzy said as Jennie sighs, "It was working till you showed uo, you big tree", Jennie said as she walks a few steps away from Suzy, "I mean this isn't had your chance with had your chance and you blew it!! And this is my chance and I'm not gonna blow it, because we are meant for each other", Jennie said

As she then gestured to everything, "And this is all just been one stupid mistake!! I was gonna propose tonight", Jennie said as she sat down on Suzy's couch, realization then drew on Suzy's face, "You were gonna propose?", she asked as she then sat at the end of the couch

"Yeah, I a ring...did you get a ring?", Jennie said as she placed the small box on the space between her and Suzy, "No, I don't have a ring", Suzy said as silence took over

A minute or two, Suzy turned to Jennie, "You go get her, Jennie...and can I give you a piece of advice? If you do get her...never let her me", Suzy said as she looks down, Jennie looks at Suzy, "You know, Suzy, you are a good person", Jennie said as she then stood up and left, coming back again for the ring as Suzy hands it to her


Back at Jennie's shared apartment with Roseanne, the next apartment owner was their bestfriends, Lisa and Jisoo, she arrived and saw Lisa woth their trash, "Dude", Lisa calls, "I've gotta find Roseanne", Jennie said, "She's gone", Lisa said as Jennie was about to open the door

She looks back at Lisa, "What?", Jennie asked, "She's gone...she had a bag and she left", Lisa said, "What are you talking about?", Jennie asked, as she stepped closer to Lisa, "She was all crying, Jen...she said you guys wanted different things...and...and she needed time to think", Lisa said as Jennie facepalmed, "Why didn't you stop her? Why didn't you tell her it was all a plan?", Jennie said

"I-I did, I told her everything, Jen but she wouldn't believe me", Lisa said as Jennie then felt tears trying to escape her eyes, "Well, where...where did she go?", Jennie asked, "To Alice, I think and she said you shouldn't call...but if I were you, I would", Lisa said as Jennie sniffs, "I can't believe I ruined this", Jennie said, "I am so sorry, man", Lisa said

As Jennie was contemplating whether to open the door to find no Roseanne waiting, cooking, going to go up to her and kiss her, or not at all, but then she opened the door, to find candlelight around the room and Roseanne standing ever so beautiful to Jennie's eyes

"You wanted it to be a surprise", Roseanne said as Jennie looks back at Lisa, who smiles at them and closes the door, Jennie then walked closer to Roseanne, who then was down on one knee

"Jennie Kim, my other half, for years of finding true love...I have never thought I would ever be this lucky as to find love...with my best friend, and with you, I have grown to be this woman I am now, you helped me through everything that had come my way", Roseanne said as she then gets a small box and opens it, revealing a ring

"As I am pleased to be called your girlfriend, Can if I get the wife title away so everyone can call me your wife?", Roseanne asked, getting a laugh from Jennie, "Yes", Jennie said as Roseanne slips the ring to Jennie's finger as she stood up just then Jennie then was down on her one knee

"It was supposed to be me, who's proposing first, Miss Park...", Jennie said as Roseanne shrugs, but they both smiled, "But Rosie, my love, my world, my have given me the be happy as you make me happier than I have ever thought, and if you will let me, I will do everything in my power to make you the happiest everyday", Jennie said as she then showed the ring

"Roseanne Park...will you marry me?", Jennie asked as Roseanne smiles and nods as Jennie then slips the ring on Roseanne's ring finger, Jennie stood up as Roseanne cups her cheeks and kissed Jennie

"Come we come in now? We're dying out here", Lisa calls out as Roseanne and Jennie pulled away and chuckles, "Yes, come in", Roseanne said, the door then opens revealing their friends, Roseanne and Jennie looked at each other then looks back at their friends

"We're engaged!!"


The scene is from Friends, one of my fave TV Series, I think it was on Season 6 or 7 was it and it was also the last chapter of it

Lemme know your thoughts everyoneeee

Stay safe, stay hydrated, wear your masks as always, thanks for reading, love lots


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