Fixing a broken heart

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Huey had been in love with Louis for 15 years but today that was going to stop even of it killed him." OK Huey today is the day I'm getting married so can you please try and be polite." My beat friend Jackson yelled.His anger only made me feel more like shit today was his special day and I was ruining it so u put on a smile and tied his tie before we stood at the alter and watched his bride walk down the aisle towards him.Kim was a beautiful pride and I knew they loved each other so I fought to make sure I kept that smile on. The tears leaked as the Reverend asked for a reason they not wed and they both turned to glare at me.Kim I expected but Jackson that was a whole knew low they stared the whole church joining in until I caught on and said " no". They grumbled Jacksons words like a knife finally no complaints.Once they walked down the aisle and the church cleared out I stayed there as tears streamed down myself. That was the moment I felt he turned on me. My escape plan running through my mind I never noticed Jackson's mom come up behind me." I'm sorry sorry but its time." She said. And with a pat to my back she to joined the after party.

    I cleaned my face and sat in the back as the party went into full swing and everyone enjoyed themselves.I waited for them to say hello or a thank you for coming but they all stayed clear of me. Once they left for there honeymoon I slid the envelope on the stack and left myself . I went home and trashed the tux before grabbing my dogs Goliath and warrior and hauling them to my truck. I left the key in the box for my landlord and headed towards my new home in California.I let the memories fall to the back of my mind until I got to the sign and snapped a picture with the dogs goodbye Louisiana.

       The drive was horrid on me and the dogs but when I parked at my new home in sanfran I smiled it was more beautiful than the pictures. I locked up and took the dogs on a walk to stretch their legs before heading back home. It was covered in boxes and moving material so I began to unpack I was to amped up to rest and by the time I realized I was kind of tired I was more than halfway unpacked. I hit the bed and passes out. The next week was full of adjusting to the time change and getting the dogs settled in.I started work on the next Monday and it was different more relaxed. The Bo's let us bring our animals in as long as they behaves and I settles right in.I had taken a job as a personal assistant to a lawyer in downtown and he grew to love my horses as he called them. Over the next few months I found a new flow to life but then I got a call that froze me in the middle of the kitchen." You son of a bitch." I heard threw the phone I'd know that voice anywhere it was Jackson. " excuse me." I said. " you sold all of our shared where the fuvk is my money. I knew you were a piece of shit sometimes but seriously." He yelled. I took a deep breath. " If you took the time to read your wedding mail you would see I left you your portion.Now check your pike and then delete my number." I said. I ended the call and headed back out to work.

Jackson POV.

  I rustled through the wedding gifts until I found an envelope with Huey's messy hand print.I opened the letter and a check for 2.1 million fell out.I felt like ahit as I put it on the table and opened the letter to read.Kim snuggling in next to me.If your reading this you are married now so congrats.I have decided to leave home and needed my money so here's your half of the shares.I'm also already gone so don't come to my house to apologize for whatever you yelled at me.I wish you and Kim many years of happiness and the market sure turned who knew 10000 would turn into 4 million.Anyway have a happy life I unfortunatley can no longer be around you. Goodbye jacks o and PS I know I was a little nervous but you know how I am and I know you could be rude but the alter seen was to much so please just live your life and I'll live mine. I curled up the letter and threw it in the trash." Hell be back he always comes crawling." I said looking at Kim and my mom who looked doubtful." What what am I missing?' I said my mother spoke first." He's never said goodbye before Jackson and he's been gone a while its sad that you just noticed." She said. Kim spoke next." I think he's serious Jackson .I mean I think we hurt him pretty bad at the wedding and he hasn't even reached out like he usually does." Kim said o just rolled my eyes." He's been gone what a week probably on a mini vaca till he calms down.I'm just gonna go check on warrior at ms Jones house." I said grabbing my keys but my mother stopped me." No dammit Jackson he's gone." She yelled I froze my mother hasn't cursed since the day my father died. " You're the worst beat friend ever a week a week he left the night you got married no one has hears from him since.He was in love with you has been for years and you left him for Kim even turned on him at the altar when you know about his anxiety.Him warrior Goliath there gone.There gone and there not coming back." She said grabbing her bag. I looked at Kim." In love with me." Isaid and she nodded . How had I been so blind." O come on Jackson you can't have been that stupid. He never had a boyfriend in school.He never flirted he did anything you asked even though it cost him 2 jobs.He changed schools to be closer to you.He took in warrior when you got tired of him.He was mad when you blew him off for hang out times I mean you guys did that for years . you you really didn't know." She said shaking her head." Give him time maybe hell cine around." She said walking away to let my mother out. I just collapsed on the couch.I felt like shit.

Part 2 will be up soon.

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