Chapter 5

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At this moment, Song Yan heard his stomach growl. 

He just remembered now, because he was busy inquiring about Xia Lin's whereabouts, he forgot to eat lunch, and now he has passed dinner.

He stood up and went to the refrigerator to look for food, but when he opened the refrigerator, he suddenly remembered that Xia Lin had put all the labels in the refrigerator before, and he later threw them all into the wastebasket. 

With guilt for Xia Lin, he walked to the wastebasket like a ghost and squatted down. He came and picked up those notes one by one.

Looking at the familiar handwriting on the sticky note, he seemed to see Xia Lin's obsessive-compulsive style and methodical behavior again. Song Yan used to be disgusted with him, and now he misses it inexplicably. 

When picking up the last sticky note, Song Yan found that there was a crumpled ball of paper lying at the bottom of the wastebasket. The texture of the paper looked like an official document.

He picked up the ball of paper in doubt, opened it, and found that it was actually a hospital diagnosis about Xia Lin. 

"Intracranial tumor...late stage?" He stared incredulously as he read the bold text. 

In the past few days, Xia Lin has been in a coma most of the time.

When he opened his eyes again, looking at the dim light outside the window, he couldn't remember where he was for a long time. 

A familiar voice came from outside the door: "Second Young Master, are you awake?" He remembered that this is Zhou Shuo's bachelor apartment. 

Zhou Shuo is one year younger than him. He used to be one of his personal bodyguards and was also the one who has been around him for the longest time. 

At the school, Zhou Shuo was often ordered to follow him to protect him, and the relationship between the two was pretty good.

Later, for Song Yan to break with his family, his father cut off all his financial resources in a rage and evacuated all the bodyguards around him. Only Zhou Shuo still secretly protected him because of his grandma's secret order. 

It can be said that Zhou Shuo is the only person Xia Lin trusts unconditionally in this world.

Zhou Shuo opened the door, poured Xia Lin a glass of water skillfully, and then handed him a few pills. Xia Lin swallowed the pills, and after a while, the headache gradually subsided. 

He raised his eyes to Zhou Shuo and asked, "How long have I slept?"

Zhou Shuo looked at his watch: "After returning from Lawyer Zhang, you slept for more than ten hours." 

Xia Lin thought silently, the longer time he was lethargic means that he has less and less time left.

Zhou Shuo said again: "It is possible that Lawyer Zhang told the young master about your share transfer. In the afternoon, the young master called and asked about your whereabouts.

"What did you say?" 

"I said I didn't know, so he didn't ask any more questions." 

Xia Lin nodded.

Asking Zhou Shuo to protect him secretly was a secret arrangement made by the deceased grandma, even Xia Liang didn't know it. 

Xia Liang would call Zhou Shuo and ask for his location casually. 

"My brother, you must not disclose your words," Xia Lin warned, "I suddenly transferred all the shares to him, it will definitely make him feel uneasy. Then he will definitely increase his efforts to find my whereabouts, you be sure to guard against it."

Zhou Shuo frowned, "Second Young Master, your body is already like this, don't you want to see Young Master one last time?" 

Xia Lin shook his head: "My brother is very stubborn. If he knows that I am sick, he will definitely force me to go to the hospital for treatment..."

"There may be a silver lining to go to the hospital..."

Xia Lin smiled bitterly: "Look at me like this, it's only a few days away, so why bother to mess around... The last few days, I just want to spend the last few days quietly."

Zhou Shuo turned his face around, his eye circles were slightly red. 

Xia Lin patted his hand lightly: "I have no close friends in my life. I am also satisfied to have you accompany me through the last journey."

Zhou Shuo turned back and looked at him: "You don't want to know, Song Yan..." 

Xia Lin waved his hand to stop him: "Don't mention him. In this life, I have consumed too much on him. I don't want to die and deceive myself. Whether he wants to continue to live alone or get together with Yu Luotong, he has nothing to do with me."

Zhou Shuo then changed the subject: "Are you hungry, I'll cook some porridge for you." 

Zhou Shuo was about to turn around and leave when suddenly his cell phone rang. He avoided the door to answer the phone, and when he opened the door again, his face became very strange.

"What's the matter?" Xia Lin asked. 

Zhou Shuo hesitated and said, "Song Yan learned about your illness from nowhere, and immediately told the young master. Now Song and Xia are both alarmed and are looking for your whereabouts."

Xia Lin was stunned. 

He didn't tell anyone except Zhou Shuo about the illness. He couldn't understand where Song Yan got the news. 

He didn't even expect that Song Yan took the initiative to ask the Song family in order to find him. This is not like the stubborn guy, Song Yan.

Zhou Shuo said: "Second Young Master, if Song and Xia really join forces, the news network will spread all over City B. My place...I'm afraid I can't hide it." 

Xia Lin was silent for a while, and sighed: "As of this moment, you can't hide from it... Send me back to Xia's house and tell my brother that you found me in a remote small hospital. Lest my brother blame you."

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