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At Guy Fieiri's funeral, everyone was sad. Even the frog. Frog. 

'Oh no he's dead' Obama choked. 'I HATE GUY FIERI' Kedamono hissed quietly. 'Poor guy......I loved his dick.' George Bush said gloomily. The frog hopped over towards them sadly. 'I...I'm sorry, Gogy-Bush' The frog whispered. 'GO AWAY FUCKING UGLY GREEN BITCH' Gogy Bush said. Obama saw what happened, and he felt bad for the creature. 'Hey, frog, I can help you. Just get into my white van after the funeral..' Kedamono whispered. 

Right before the funeral ended, Kedamono grabbed frog and threw it into the van. He drove away into the desert. 

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAMUMUUMUUMUUMUMUMUmUMUMumuU I TRCIKED YOU INTO BEING MY PRISONER HAAHAHAMuHAHAHHAHA' Kedamono yelled. He pissed on frog. Kedamono threw up the frog into a jail cell. 'NOW I WILL TEST MY RANDOM EXPERIMENTS I CONVIENIENTLY HAVE ON YOUUU' Kedamono gave frog steroids. Frog started to become.............................................................................................................................................................................................HUMAN!!!!

Frog was in the jail for years, but he didn't age. Frog is immortal. FOREVER. Nobody aged. ITS FOR PLOT CONVIENINCE. One day, frog figured out how to escape to see his senpai Gogy-Bush. Frog shakily walked up to George Bush. 'Georgie-senpai?' Frog croaked. George snapped his head around to see a cute frog person. 'Who tf are you cutie??' He said, biting his lip hotly. 'I'm frog, remember??' 'O yuh, I do.' 

'Listen frog......I like some else. Popee, he's mine! OWO!' Gogy-bushy haired boyo said. 'O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-oh.' frog said cutely and hotly. 'But he likes Obama-chan. ANd because of that, I don't think either you nor him will mind if I do this......................' Frog kissed gogy-bush-kun, and george Bush automatically fell in lve with him because hes a good kisser ;). 

And then frog ate George Bush 🤪🤪🤪🤪

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