That Night, Then Morning

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"It's 3:45..." Luke yawns. "I'm tired."

I was laying on his bed, and he was on the floor. "Ya know, Luke, you don't have to sleep on the floor. There's plenty of room up here. Please...I'm still scared." I say, my stomach churning in my body. Luke gets up from the floor, and gets next to me in his bed.

His beautiful blue eyes pierce mine, as he stares into them. He smells like colonge, and shampoo. He smiles at me, then makes funny faces to make me laugh. I giggle, and then he pulls me into a cuddle, and I lay on top of him. I hear him whisper, "Don't be afraid...I won't let anything bad happen to you." Then I fell asleep to the sound of his heart, and his steady breaths. His warm, long body trapped mine, and didn't let me go. He doesn't wanna let me go, and I don't want him to. A long cuddle is just what I need. It's what I've needed for years now.

The next morning, I have 25 texts, and a call from mom. I tell her I'm fine, and I'm okay. My eyes fall heavy again and I shift to my back from my side, and then I realize. Luke's not here.

I get up to see if everything's alright, and the whole house smells like bacon and eggs. The guys were eating and I walked into the kitchen slowly, and they all smiled. "Mornin' beautiful." The guys each told me, and I just smiled.

I had a piece of bacon, and some orange juice. Luke gave me a pair of his skinny jeans to put on so he can take me home. We get into the car 5 minutes later, and then arrive at my house. "I'll text you, babe." Luke walks me up to your front door, and kisses my forehead. "See you in several hours."

He waits in the driveway for me to get inside the house. And I go over to the window, once inside, and watched him drive off. I walked up to my room and flopped down on my bed. My face was red, and my stomach was full of butterflies.

Luke Hemmings, the man-child I once fangirled about, never thought I'd meet, never would've believed he wanted to date me, asked me out, and cares about me. While I was smiling like an idiot on my bed, my phone buzzed. It was Luke. 'You can keep the shirt and boxers...imma need them shoes and jeans back tho lol :) see you at 5'

I smiled and giggled thinking about his geeky texts. We texted all that day.

'Where's this date gonna be?'

'Why should I tell youu:PPPP'

"Oh my God you're a dork. But really, where are we gonna goooo???'

'Fine...wanna know...'

'I've been trying to get you to spill for like the past 5 minutes...I think so...'

'Okay, :) I wanna take you someplace's just gonna be us two. Some pizza, a blanket, you know :--------)) bring a swimsuit'

'Awh...that sounds absofrickinlutely perfect!'

'heh yeah...'

'How late will we be out?'

'Um...Idk...I guess we'll find out ;)) i gtg :(( see you later babe!'

"Bye. :('

I smiled at the thought of this date with Luke Hemmings.

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