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I tell my mom about Luke and me when I get home at 3. "Ahhh, sweetie! He's that one guy from that one band you love! I realized that after you guys left! I can't believe this!" She said through hugs between each sentence.

"Okay, Mom...calm down please." I laugh at her happiness for me.

"I can't! You have your celebrity crush as your boyfriend!!!" She hugs me again.

"Mom." My phone rings. "Luke's calling me, one second." I pick up the phone.

"Hey, Emma!" Luke says loudly.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Wanna go for a walk in the city? We can go to the mall or something. Get something to eat?" He asks me.

I think about all the people, but Luke seemed hopeful. "Sure. When?"

"Can I pick you up in...let's say...20 minutes?" He stops, but then says. "Or do you need more time?"

"20 is great. I'll see you then. Bye." I say.

"Okay, bye babe."

I put on the shirt from when I first stayed with Luke, and his snapback he gave me when he took me home earlier. There's a knock at the door, and I grab my sunglasses. I run so I could beat my mom, so she wouldn't embarrass me. When I open the door, Luke's there, in a Vans Off The Wall t-shirt, black skinny jeans, vans, black hoodie, and his sunglasses. He smiles, "Ready to go, babe?" I nod and say yes.

He grabs my hand, our fingers intertwine, and we walk down the side walk. There's still people but less than I expected. I stay close to his side as the people add up on the sidewalk. "Mall's over there." He says, while pointing to a huge building. I look around at the people and my heart picks up speed. We walk into the mall and it's a mass chaos. People are like ants. There's so many of them. I move in closer to Luke, and squeeze his hand. "Where do you wanna go first?" He asks me.

"I don't care." I say back.

"Okay, I guess we'll just walk, find out where as we go along." Luke smiles.

I smile and reply. "I guess."

We walk for a little bit, then out of nowhere, a bunch of girls run up to Luke, taking pictures asking for selfies, asking if he can kiss their cheek, autographs, hugs, they start mobbing him. One girl walks up and screams, "Move!" and she throws me on the ground, hard. Soon the crowd of girls gets bigger.

The girls kick me out of the way, and step on me. My heart is beating in my ears, and I start getting really scared. I am still on the floor, and I try to get out of there. Tears start to sting my eyes, because I am so scared. I crawl in between girls, screaming and taking pictures of Luke. I get out of the swarm of teenage girls, and look back. Luke probably doesn't notice I'm gone. The thought hurts my heart, and I run in an opposite way. "Emma!" I hear a voice shout. I look back and Luke's running at me. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry...I thought you were still beside me, and the girls just kept coming and..." He notices I've been crying. "What's wrong, princess?"

"I'm okay with a few people. A group makes me uncomfortable, a crowd makes me scared, and a mob makes me cry. I have a social anxiety disorder. I hate big crowds, and they hate me. Girls over there were literally throwing me on the ground and kicking me out of the way!" The sleeves of my shirt covered my hands, and I sobbed into them. Luke whispers, "I'm so sorry, babe. I forgot and didn't think about the girls." He pulls me into a hug , and I dig my head into his chest, still sobbing, and scared. He kisses my forehead, but he doesn't pull back, he just leaves his lips rested there. He whispers against my forehead, "I'm so freaking sorry, babe." Over and over.

"It's fine, Luke. You're okay." I pull back from his chest, and grab his hand. He wipes away my tears, and we walk through the mall.

People stop and take pictures, and whisper or say, "Who's that, holding Luke Hemmings's hand?!" Luke tells me to just ignore them. "Do you think they got you kissing my forehead?" I ask nervously

"They probably got it all. You crying, me running after you, me hugging you, kissing your forehead, us holding hands. It's soon to be all over Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram. Everywhere."

"Oh my..." Is all I can say.

"Here, let's get you back to my place. I'll have Ash come and pick us up, since I walked to your house, and here." Luke pulls out his phone and calls Ashton. "Hey, Ashton, Emma and I need to be picked up from the mall."

I hear Ashton say, "Which mall?"

"Hasbrooks." Luke replies.

"Okey dokey...what happened?" Ashton asks.

"Well, I forgot Emma has a social anxiety. I got mobbed, and the girls threw Emma on the ground and kicked her and screamed at her. When Emma finally got out of the crowd, she ran the opposite direction, and I had to chase after her. She reminded me of the disorder, and I hugged her and kissed her forehead. It's gonna be all over the internet."

"Ah, that sucks, mate. Hey, I'm gettin' in the car now. See y'all in 15." Ashton says.

"Kay man, bye." Luke says, and hangs up.

Luke and I sit on a park bench outside, and Ashton pulls up in a car.

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