Blissful Encounter

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"A flower among thorns..."

3rd Person POV

Jimin sighed heavily, his breath coming out in puffs as the cold air abused his petite build. Despite the multiple layers and thick jacket he was wearing, the frozen winter weather managed to sneak its way through his clothing.

"Jihoon, promise not to throw a tantrum like last time ok baby?..." Jimin crooned, swaying the adorable two year old in his arms as he stood outside the restaurant doors.

"Otay!" Jihoon giggled, nibbling at his chubby little fingers which Jimin quickly replaced with his pacifier.

Jimin carefully made his way through the large back doors of the restaurant which led directly into the kitchen. He let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding as he was greeted with an empty kitchen.

"Time to get you settled, Ji. Can you be a big boy and stay quiet while I set up the kitchen?" Jimin softened, cradling his baby brother in his arms as he headed towards the spare room connected to the kitchen.

Jihoon nodded his head enthusiastically "yeah! I'm big boy" he stated, attempting the most serious expression he could muster as Jimin placed him on the carpeted floor of the room.

Jihoon nodded his head enthusiastically "yeah! I'm big boy" he stated, attempting the most serious expression he could muster as Jimin placed him on the carpeted floor of the room

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It was a rest area for the employees, composed of two large L-shaped couches, a refrigerator with refreshments and a counter stocked with snacks. It also had various entertainment features like a tv and console set up.

"Good job sweetie, I'm so proud of you!" Jimin praised, placing Jihoon's toys and colouring books on the floor. He went over to one of the cupboards in which he had placed some of Jihoons stuffed animals, so that he wouldn't have to carry them to the restaurant everyday.

"You gon take long to fwinish?..." Jihoon asked as he watched Jimin take off his jacket and change into his chef attire.

"No Ji, just like yesterday" Jimin reassured, kneeling down in front of him then pulling him onto his lap. He weaved a hand through Jihoon's soft hair, cradling his precious build.

"Otay.... Mimi?..."

"Yes baby?"

"When Mama and Appa come back?..." he questioned, his wide puppy like eyes boring into Jimins soul.

Jimin audibly swallowed, feeling his throat clog and his heart begin to ache "u-um.... I'm not sure baby, their trip to paradise is really long"

"Bu why they go dare?..."

"It's 'there' baby, not dare" Jimin mused, tickling the younger's sides and causing him to break out in a fit of giggles and laughter

"Mimi s-stop my tummy hurts" Jihoon squirmed, his adorable laughter encasing the room.

"Okay okay" Jimin smiled, placing a tender kiss on Jihoons soft curls "You know mama and Appa love you so much though, Ji"

"Yeah I know.... but mimi loves Ji most"

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