cheer camp part 4 (Hello Dylan)

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heyy guys omg I'm soo sorry i haven't uploaded in ages i thought no one really liked it because i hardly have any reads but i have got a few fans soo this is for them :) and ill upload another one soon

plz comment / vote it will mean a lot to me.

anyways hopefully u like this chapter


Cheer camp part 4

After 3 hours of pain I walked into English with Cami.

"are you ok, you look horrible" she said in the nicest possible way she could

"yep I'm fine, just a dash tired" I said in a dull tone

The bell rang and everyone got into their seats, Cami sat next to some guy and the only spot left was next to Tom.


I walked over to him.

"is this seat taken ?" I asked trying to force a smile on my face

"no" he pulled the chair out for me smiling

"thanks" I probably sounded really rude because I was tired and in a bad mood, I'm guessing that time of the month is gonna arrive soon.

I sat down and looked down at my work book, I looked like a complete idiot staring at a blank page but it was better then starring completely in to his green eyes, speaking of his green eyes I had a feeling that they were staring at me I looked to the side a bit and he was, awks.

"what are you looking at!?" I turned towards him and we were now face to face.


"well can you not it's a bit uncomfortable" I said looking back down at my work book

"hey, are you alright ?" he said changing the subject

"I'm fine why?"

"about what Ashley said to you yesterday"

"oh yeah I'm fine my mum died a while ago so I'm use to it now"

"well it was still rude of her"

"I know she's a heartless bitch but I better get use to it there's plenty here"

"yeah there's heaps" he said agreeing

"yeah well you would know, your dating one"

"not anymore"


Now that was a shock.

"I broke up with Ashley yesterday"

"oh well are you alright ?" I asked trying to have a conferring voice but honestly I didn't even give a shit.

"I'm fine I didn't even like her that much anyway, I only got together with her because I was forced too, you know peer pressure and all that.

"yeah just because she's the head cheerleader and your the football captin it doesn't mean you have to be together right?"


" so what are you doing tonight ?" he asked with a smirk on his face

"nothing involving you"

"what why !?"

I looked back up at him.

"because you just broke up with your girlfriend, and I'm just not that into you" I was so lying but I didn't want to be his second choice.

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