cheer camp part 8 (Sweet revenge)

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Cheer camp part 8

hi guys i uploaded another chapter :)))) haha i was gonna post this next week but my friends  kept on bugging me to post today so yeahh

hope you like it :)

and this chapter is dedicated to all my friends who supported my book luv u guys !!!

anyways comment / vote , become a fan :D

Today was the day that I was gonna talk to Tom I acted all cool about it but really I was shitting myself.

"hey Cami, I'm gonna go now"

"alright, well good luck " She gave me a comforting smile

I walked straight over to Toms cabin and knocked on the door, I was so scared, I was freaking out, I was about to turn and walk away but someone already answered the door. It was Tom and he was leaning against the frame of the door, looking all hot and stuff, why does he do this to me !?"

"and what do you want ?" he asked threw clenched teeth 

I looked around trying to think of what to say

"Tom did you see Dylan and I ?"

" yep, I caught you two kissing" he said in a childish manner

"well why are you mad at me?"

"I have a reason to taylor, you kissed that jerk !"

"well were not even together so why do you even care !?"


"because why !?"

"because I I I " he stuttered

" YOU WHAT !" I yelled out angrily

"YOU WHAT TOM !?" I yelled again after he didn't respond

"I I I I think I love you " he said under his breath

Did I hear that right because I swear I just heard him say that he loves me. He couldn't of, no I'm just imagining it, he can't love me.

"I ah gotta go" I said awardly turning around and walking back to the cabin freaking out.
I walked into the cabin heaps confused I really liked Dylan but I really really liked Tom, why does life have to be so confusing !? I ploped  down on my bed and shoved my face into the pillow and screamed so no one would hear me, I don't know how long I was screaming for but I was for a while.

The cabin was empty so I could go do whatever but I honestly didn't feel like it so I just decided to order take away, I ordered a pizza and garlic bread I was so hungry.

After I ate my food I had a shower and watched tv for a bit I scrolled through the channels, I looked were  the movies were and decided to watch white chicks that movie was so funny it was up to the bit when all the girls are in the car and 1000 miles comes on.
After the movie finished I went to bed it felt so good to just finally relax I was so tired ....
Bam ! A hard pillow just smashed across my face.

I looked up a bit squinting my eyes from the broad day light.

"rise and shine ugly head" it was Ashley of course and she was holding a pillow in her hand, it was obvious she enjoyed me being in pain she was smirking evily.

" ugh, piss of Ashley" I groaned

"no why would I ?, I love annoying you, she hit me with the pillow again and again and again until I got really pissed off I grabbed her wrist and twisted it"

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