cheer camp part 7 (Ashley's sweet 16)

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Cheer camp  part 7

hi guys another chapter ~ this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Jacinta  :), she hates reading but when i told her to read this she got obsessed hahaha anyways enjoy guys ;D

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After a few days of horrid pain from cheer practice and getting rude insults from Ashley which I ignored, everyone was starting rumors around the school saying that Tom and I have started to date and trust me that really pissed Ashley off she kept on asking questions about it, but on the other hand Tom and I were getting closer, we got pared up together for the science assignment, we didn't kiss since that night in the bathroom but he touched my leg once when we were studying.

The big thing that everyone was talking about most other than prom was Ashley's sweet 16, pretty much everyone in the school got invited, everyone might of hated Ashley but everyone wanted to be invited to the party.

She might be a bitch but she was definitely popular, I mentally debated in my head If I should go or not, I just didn't know. I walked over to the cafeteria I wasn't very hungry so I just got a apple I walked to  our table and Ashley was there with a weird look on her face that I couldn't really read.

"sit down Taylor" I sat down on a seat next to Alex and I bit into my apple and Ashley was just giving me dirty looks that whole time, I got up.

"Ashley I would really appreciate it if you stopped starring at me"

She giggled

"um Taylor I think you just had an accident she was pointing at the back of my ass I tried to get a clear look at what it was but Cami looked up to check what it was for me

"Ashley is this some sort of  nasty joke that your pulling ? Because it's not funny !" Cami said in a stern voice

"you watch your words Cami " Ashley said warningly Cami closed her mouth regretting what she just said

"here" Cami took her cardigan off and handed it to me and I wrapped  it around my waist 

We started to walk off

"what happen ?" I asked confused about the whole thing

"Ashley put tomato sauce on the seat and made you sit there so when you stood up it would look like a period leak"

"that bitch" I mumbled under my breath

"so speaking of the bitch have you made up your mind, are you going to the party or not ?"

"I'm going, I'm not gonna let her get away with it I'm gonna go to her party to piss her off"

"alright then,lets go get some hot dresses" 


A few days went by and it was Ashley's big day she woke up heaps early with Alex to just do some extra planning, her rich daddy paid for everything and man she got so many presents from her parents, she got double the presents I got for Christmas and my birthday and if you added all the presents that are going to be from tonight she would have over 1000 gifts I'm not kidding. She was a spoilt brat. Every one greeted her happy birthday and trust me I didn't want to but something in my head told me it was rude not to so I did.

"happy birthday Ashley" I said trying to have a positive mood about it

"thanks" she said but I could tell she didn't even want to say it

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