Chapter 1

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"me and Chat Noir get one step closer to finding out hawk moth's identity every day now, but I fear that it will cost us everything we hold dear just to figure out who it is behind that mask." My hand pauses as I read over what I just wrote. The sad but real truth that i fear.. no i know will come true. I sigh as I close my diary and put it in it's hiding place and throw myself onto my bed.

"Marinette you ok?" I hear Tikki's soft voice ask as she fly's out of my purse.

Sigh "yeah, I'm..fine" I reply knowing that deep down in my bones I'm not fine. In fact I'm everything but fine, I'm the opposite of fine. I start to daze off into my own world, a world where I'm not ladybug, I'm not the guardian, I'm not a hero, I'm just a normal high school girl that doesn't have any pressure and responsibility's. Well besides the regular day to day responsibilities. Even though I wish this fantasy world were true there's just one problem. Chat. I don't want to hurt him, but I cant keep playing the role of "little miss perfect" all the time. But at least Alya knows the truth. But she knows the truth. Meaning I'm putting her in danger by the fact that I told her the simple truth of who I really am. A tear falls down my face as my expressionless look starts to turn into a frown.

"Marinette? Don't cry." Tikki says as she fly's over and hugs me along with all the other kwami's from the miracle box. If only I could stay in the clutches of these little, but powerful creatures, but I cant and I know it. Sooner or later I'm going to have to go back downstairs with a smile on and my "Little miss perfect" life.

"Are you ok My queen?" Pollen asks as she fly's closer to my face and looks me dead smack in the eyes.

"yeah Mari please say your ok!" Mullo and and Daizzi agree as they too fly closer to my face and are now next to Pollen. Before I knew it I now have all the kwami's looking into my face begging me to say that I'm doing great or I'm perfect. If only I could tell them what they want to hear but I simply can't.

"I know you all want me to say I'm fine but I honestly cant because that's not the truth. the truth is I love being ladybug, but I cant handle all this pressure and all these responsibilities anymore! I'm so tired of all this." I say while I sit up and look at all the kwami's who are now starring at me. My eyes stop on Tikki because I can tell that shes worried and scared for me. And frankly I'm worried for myself too. My eyes move to the photos of my friends, Luka, Adrien...knowing the fact is I can never be who I truly am with anyone because if they knew, if they ever know the'll all become targets for hawk moth and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if one of them got hurt because of me.

"MARINETTE, SCHOOL! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE! AGAIN!!" A distance voice calls, but to me it feels like there a universe away when in reality only a floor away. Without thinking my mouth starts to open and I scream back to whoever screamed at me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream before I throw my head into my pillow while the kwami's are still staring at me concerned. All of a sudden I hear that persons footsteps come closer and before I could react and hide the miracle box my door opens and in walks...ALYA? I then start to sit up while Trixx goes flying over to Alya and hugs her.

She laughs "Hey Trixx" Alya giggles as Trixx fly's closer and now she's holding her tiny body in the palm of her hands. As I'm watching Trixx and Alya, the carefree, loving, kind, part time hero, I wish I could be as happy as she is. In that very moment I'm sitting on my bed, with all the kwami's from the miracle box concerned and staring at me, while I have Alya standing in the middle of my room with no worries in the world. Except for me. Alya turns to me with a cheerful smile on her face until it turns into a frown. When she saw my face her loving eyes turned into concern and her cheerful smile changed to a worried frown.

"Mari.." Alya starts as she comes closer and sits next to me on my bed. "Please. Tell me whats wrong." She says while her hands grip the sides of my face and I'm now looking at her dead in the eyes.


"I cant keep doing this Alya!" I wine as my eyes shed a tear. "All this pressure, it-its..."

"Overwhelming?" She continues "I know, but Mari just know no matter what you decided to do or how you decide to cope, I'll always be here for you." Me and Alya lock eyes and all I can do, all I can think is to hug her. We hug so tight. We hug like there's no tomorrow, like one of us will be dying later.

"AWWW!!" We hear as my eyes peek open only to see all the kwami's staring at us and wining. The kwami's have formed a circle around me and Alya in the time we were hugging and I know I'm suppose to be sad right now but-BUT THERE SO CUTE!

"Not trying to interrupt this adorable moment.." Alya says as she pulls away from me "But Mari now were really late for school..."

"AHH! your right umm.." I start but that was before I saw Chat running from roof to roof. If the teenager who had the cat miraculous was in their hero form then that could only mean that hawk moth has akumatized another innocent sole. As I'm watching Chat I start to forget Alya was still in my room until she broke this awkward silence.

"you should go, if Chat Noir is here then that means someones been akumatized."

"But I cant.." I start to think of some excuse, any excuse

"I..i have to go to school with you! like you said were late." I say as I frantically get up to get the kwami's back in the miracle box to put it back in its hiding place. Once I hid the box I started to frantically look for my school bag up until Alya stopped me.

"GIRL?! Really? I know what your trying to do and it wont work. Go help Chat Noir. I'll cover for you at school." Alya says as she looks at me with a sympathetic look. I know that shes right and I should help Chat but what if I screw everything up like I always do.

"Marinette, I know what you thinking too and yes the world needs ladybug..I need ladybug" Tikki says while she fly's over and gives my cheek a big hug. I smile and look at Alya only to see her smiling back and waving at me to leave. I wipe away my tears and yell and the top of my lungs.


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