Chapter 4

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2 Hours Later

I don't know what to say. I'm sitting in the corner and the way I left things... was a mess. We have Alya mad at me, Lila being well Lila, and the rest of the class being antsy.

"DING! DING" Max's phone starts buzzing singling that 2 hours are up and we can finally leave the classroom and go home or do whatever you want to do now.

"Times up we can-" Max starts but Chloe and the others are to excited and cuts him off.

"FREEDOM!!" Chloe, Mylene, Alix, Ivan, and Kim scream running out of the classroom with Sabrina and Nathaniel trailing behind them. I guess that just leaves me, Adrien, alya, Nino Rose, Juleka, and Lila still in the classroom. But apparently not for long.

"BYE GUYS!" Rose excitedly yells as her and Juleka leave the classroom with Nino trying to hide behind them.

"NINO!" Alya yells startling Nino as he turns around and nervously waves at us.

"Where are you going?" Alya asks

"Uhh I-i"

"Alya Nino doesn't have to tell you everything" Adrien says distracting Alya enough for Nino to go blasting out of the room and down the stairs and out of the building. Now leaving only me, Alya, Adrien and Lila. I take a breath and stand up to go to the door to leave but Adrien stands up and blocks the door.

"Marinette, Alya, Lila do you all have something to say to each other?" Seriously? Now Adrien's trying to be our therapist, excuse me? But no thank you.

"I appreciate the thought of you trying to help but no thank you." I say as I try to maneuver my way out of the classroom but Adrien was still blocking me and the exit. I'm starting to get annoyed at his persistence. If I'm being honest he's starting to remind me of Chat.

"Adrien move out of my way! I'm getting annoyed" I say startling him with my attitude.

"Oh Boo Hoo your annoyed, well so am I!!" Lila screams coming to the door to try to leave only to get Adrien pushing her out of the way.

"Don't you have anything to say Alya?" Adrien asks turning to Alya

"Not to any of you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving" Alya exclaims coming to the door and pushing Adrien out of the way. Adrien fall's to the ground and Alya acts like she don't care and leaves the classroom with Lila not to far behind. I take that as my chance to leave so I do. I look back at Adrien with a sincere and annoyed look before I leave the school and start to walk back home. I'm almost at the bakery's door but before I get inside Lila pulls me to the side of an ally and pins me to the wall.

"Hey Marinette." Lila raises an eyebrow and keeps talking.

"I told you I'd make you life hell and my plan is starting to work. So here's my final offer, you either join me, or you are my enemy. I'm going to let you chose." she says as I push her arm off mine.

"I told you once, and I'll tell you again I will never be on your "Team" so get the h*ll away from me!" I scream pushing her other arm off me as I leave and walk to the bakery and into my room.

"YOU"LL REGRET THAT DUPAIN-CHANG!" I hear Lila's distant voice scream as I close the bakery's door and smell in the delicious cakes, and breads. I hear the kitchen's door open as my mother walks out carrying a tray of macaroons.

"Marinette!" Tikki whispers peaking out of my bag pointing to the macaroons. I smile and put Tikki's head back in my bag and grab a couple macaroons off the tray and start to leave to the apartment.

"Ahem" My mothers voice echos across the walls of the bakery signaling me that shes talking to me. I look down at my hands with the bunch of macaroons and look back her and walk over and hugs her.

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