Chapter 3

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"I screwed up Tikki. I screwed up really, really bad." I said as I'm sitting here in the bathroom stall. "Maybe I shouldn't have told Alya I'm ladybug."

"Marinette shes just angry, give her time. Besides you need to get to class it starts in a couple of minuets." I take a deep breath, close my eyes, count to ten and re open my eyes.

"Your right Tikki! Come on lets get to class" Tikki fly's back into my purse and I leave the bathroom and go to class. Huh. I'm not late. Wait how am I not late. I walk up the stairs and into the classroom only to see Ms. Bustier not there and everyone fighting.

"Why is everyone fighting" Tikki whispers while I step into the classroom fully

"Shh" I say. I look around the room and can clearly see to distinct sides arguing about something. One the right side of the room there's Adrien, Alix, Max, Nathaniel, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, and Kim. And on the left side of the room there's Alya, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina, and Lila. Poor Mylene and Juleka look like they have no idea whats going on and I'm on the same page they are on. I'm looking around the room trying to get clues as to what my class is arguing over when they finally realize I'm here.

"Marinette finally!" Adrien says excitedly and for some reason exhausted.

"I'm sorry but whats going on here?" I ask as I look around at our divided classroom.

"The reds think that there should be a new class representative." Alix and Adrien both simultaneously say.

"The reds?" I question confused still looking around the room.

"Alya, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina, and Lila." Max says fixing his glasses.

"I-huh I'm just on the side of my girlfriend I don't want her to get mad at me." Nino says pleading a understanding look to Alya.

"Alya? You don't want me to be representative anymore?"

"Your not being a good role model. You keep making promises you cant keep, your always late to stuff, and your always trying play hero and be "Little miss perfect" all the time!" By now me and Alya are head to head starring down at each other with the reds behind her and the blues apparently behind me.

"Your my friend-"

"I was your friend. Mari, your not being a good friend right now and that also means you can be a good leader too." Alya yells as everyone starts to stare. This is getting personal to quick for my liking's. Alya is obviously really mad at me. Oh no! What if she reveals I'm ladybug!

"ALYA! What did I do to you why are you shutting me out, why are you-" She interrupts me before I could finish what I was going to say.

"I'M SHUTTING YOU OUT! YOUR SHUTTING THE WORLD OUT! Marinette, I'm sure that if you were a hero like LADYBUG you would be the WORST Hero out t.h.e.r.e." Her words started to fade and I felt my eyes start t water. I just stood there as my friends. My real friends were arguing for me against who I thought was my friend.

"Marinette?" I hear Rose's soft voice ask as everyone stops arguing and starts starring at me. I can't bring myself to look at them all I can do is just stand there frozen... broken.

"Mari?" Adrien asks as he steps closer and touches my shoulder. Tears start falling down my face and my once "happy" face turned into a frown. I finally stooped starring into oblivion and all I could do was run. I ran out of the room crying and ran down the stairs before I collapsed onto the ground crying my eyes out. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I don't even care who it is anymore. Just please be anyone but Alya.

"Hey Marinette!" Lila says as she hops down the stairs and into my eyes site. I was mistaken anyone but Alya and Lila.

"So I see I finally got someone very close to you to turn against you. How does it make you feel?"

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