Chapter 2

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"TIKKI SPOTS ON!" I wait for like a millisecond until a flash of light blinds the room and my ladybug costume forms onto my body.

"Time to go save someones life." Alya says as she leaves my room to go cover for me at school. I give her a smirk and swing away on my yo-yo to go meet up with Chat. You wouldn't believe how good it feels to just feel like your flying. The wind in my hair, the way you feel weightless and the fact that it can let me feel like the wait of the world is off my shoulders, well at least for a couple seconds at least.

"Marinette!" I hear Tiiki's soft voice say in the far back of my mind.

"Right how could I forget!" I say as I remembered I'm suppose to go help Chat Noir. I give a quick smack to my head and swing my yo-yo in the direction I saw Chat going last. I abruptly stop as a tree fly's in my direction and misses my face by a inch. Since a tree just flew into the air I assume that is where the villain is so I start to go in that direction.

"Hey Kitty!" I yell as my yo-yo grips the nearest building and I swing down to where Chat Noir is fighting a villain.

"Its about time m'lady! The broach break it and this will all be over." Chat Noir screams right as he was tossed into the air and fling-ed several blocks away. I know I should help him but he did just say to destroy the broach soo...

"LUCKY CHARM!" I yell as I fling my yo-yo above my head while red and black ladybugs blind the sky and into my hands fall a rope. I look around to see if there's anything I can use to win and then I see it. I have a plan! I fling myself over to where the villain was standing and throw my yo-yo to where their broach was resting and before they could react I tie there hands and feet together. I grab the broach and break it into a thousand tiny pieces and out flies an akuma. I then swing my yo-yo at the akuma and catch's it within my yo-yo.

"TIME TO DE-EVILIZE!" I scream before I open my yo-yo and release the butterfly back into this broken world. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" I yell while I throw the rope I used earlier into the air and red and black ladybugs fix all the damage. The akumatized villain then de-transoforms back into their civilian self as my earrings start to beep.

"Hey Bugaboo"

"Hi Kitty, listen sorry I didn't catch you earlier.." I say as I look down at my feet while Chat Noir puts a hand on my shoulder.

"That's fine M'lady.." He pauses

"Is something wrong you've been acting different lately?" He asks as his hands move my face to face his. Silence. All there was in that very moment was silence. I didn't know what to say and I don't think he knew what to say either.


"M'lady?" I feel my anger and sadness start to emerge as Chat keeps asking more and more questions about my life. I fear I won't be able to hold back my emotions any longer and same with Chat Noir. I can tell his anger that I'm not saying anything is also growing and I cant deal with this anymore. I finally being my eyes up and manage to mumble these few words

"I have to go..I'm sorry" I turn to leave but right before I fling my yo-yo to the nearest building Chat Noir grabs my wrist and I can tell hes mad.

"WHAT LADYBUG! I'm trying to stay all positive and understand all this pressure you now have with being the new guardian of the miraculous but I cant keep doing this anymore! I'm done being left in the dark!" His eyes start to narrow and its like I can almost see his inner emotions. He's sad, furious, upset, devastated, and angry but worst of all I can tell that under all these jumbled emotions he still loves me, and Hawk Moth could some day take advantage of our love for each other and use it against us. A tear falls down my cheek and I'm hoping Chat Noir didn't notice but I know he saw it.

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