Chapter 6

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"Why didn't you wake me!" I ask sprinting up and frantically moving around my room looking for something, anything. Before I could react I had all the kwamis in my face surrounding me and motioning for me to sit down. Knowing they wouldn't give up until I sat down, I grabbed my chair from my desk, pulled it over and sat down.

"You needed your rest." Sass and Kaalki said flying closer to where I was now sitting.

"Plus we couldn't bring our-self's to. You looked so peaceful." Daizzi and Ziggy said looking into my soul with there kind, loving, generous eyes. I sigh and give the kwamis a shy smile before getting up. I take one last look at them and then at Tikki. She gives me a nod so I nod back before transforming.

"TIKKI SPOTS ON!!" I say and, I then became ladybug. I take one last look at the kwamis nodding faces before I swing out of the room on my yo-yo. Finally. I'm free. I can feel the wind in my hair as all the buildings go rushing past me. It feels so good to be able to jump these buildings again. The buildings that once wanted to keep me trapped under them. I look around scanning the area with a smile on my face. I close me eyes and take in the air. Chat Noir! Alya! I need to help them. I re-opened my eyes at the thought of them being in danger and started scanning the area again. This time to try and figure out where they are. Before long I got it.

"The effile tower." I whisper to myself having a realization that they could be fighting hawk moth right now. I need to hurry! I think to myself as I started to swing my yo-yo in the direction of the effile tower. As I'm getting closer I can feel my fear growing at the thought of my friends being hurt or worse.

I never used to fear hawk moth this much but ever since... since he- hurt me things have changed. He's changed. He's getting more and more desperate for the miraculous and he will hurt anyone and everyone and I mean everyone just to get what he wants. And I am in the way of what he wants. I-i need to stop him. No matter what. Once I made it close enough to the effile tower I found a building and hid behind its walls peaking my head out.

"yield Chat Noir!" Hawk moth says I see Rena Rouge helping Chat Noir up as they go back to fighting Hawk Moth. Wheres Lila? Before I fell unconscious I remember he akumatized someone and I know that someone was Lila.

"Give up Hawk Moth!" Alya says as she pulled out her flute and made an illusion of herself and Chat.

"Never! Besides there's no way you can win... with your lady no where to be found." He says as I watch his cold face let out a sly smile. What should I do?! Should I help them? Should I stay here? I-i have no clue what to do. WAIT! Why am I still sitting here thinking about this. I'M LADYBUG! I need to help them! Once I made up my mind I slowly pulled out my yo-yo, took one last look at it, and threw it! I grabbed onto his cane pulling it out of his hand as he looks around confused while I latched my yo-yo onto the effile tower and swigged down to where Chat and Rena were standing with Hawk Moth's cane in my hand.

"M'YLADY!" Chat Noir says running over to me. Once he was standing next to me he flinged himself onto me and we just stood there hugging each other.

"I'm so glad your ok!"

"I-i'm fine." I say looking over at Rena who nods her head before she steps closer and I pull away from Chat. I look at them both with there faces full of many different emotions. Sad, happy, scared, confused, but most of all love. I look back over to where Hawk Moth was still getting himself together before I turn back to my team.

"We need to end this. Once and for ALL." I exclaim, moving my hand into a fist and squeezing onto his cane.

"It apparent he's de-akumatized Lila, at least I think it was Lila." Rena Rouge says turning to look at Hawk Moth who was still not paying attention.

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