On a jet plane

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It was still dark and the alarm woke him up. He frowned as he didn't remember setting it as it was his day off. He smacked it a few times before realizing it was his cell phone ringing instead. He groaned and glanced at it with distain as it went to voice mail. You'd think she would figure it out. He wasn't returning any of her phone calls. He wasn't even listening to them anymore. As least the calls from him had stopped. He guessed he had finally gotten a clue. He'd turn the damn thing off but he had not secured a new number yet and the hospital and his family back east needed to be able to reach him. He sighed as he rolled over and went back to sleep.

It was early morning and the chief was standing on the overlook surveying his hospital as daybreak dawned. He liked the calm. The calm before the chaos. He took a few deep breaths and grounded himself for the day ahead. Lots of surgeries, unending paperwork, the monthly board meeting and then tonight the intern mixer. Tonight he would finally see her again after all these years. He frowned as he saw Dr. Bailey scurry towards him with a questioning and frustrated look on her face. He grabbed the handrail tightly and gave her his most disarming smile.

"Dr. Bailey."

"Chief. What is the meaning of this?" She waved a piece of paper in her hands.

He glanced at it dismissively and said, "Copy of an email I sent you."

"You are assigning me another intern at the last minute? I already have four! Give her to someone else!"

He said soothingly," Miranda. You are the best. You can handle it." He wanted her to have the best teacher and Miranda Bailey was the best.

"Don't Miranda me! I've got three from state school, one of which barely got into this program. You are just dumping...................."

"Dr. Bailey. I would consider it a personal favor. She's from Dartmouth. And besides, I am your boss."

"You don't scare me. And if I see you favoring her in any way..............."

"Favoring her?"

Bailey raised an eyebrow, "Ellis Grey's daughter? I've heard the old gossip about........"

He sighed and said, "Read her transcripts and application and letters of recommendation. She's good!" He thought the past never really leaves you.

"Humph. I'll be the judge of that!"

He said conspiratorially, "I'll let you out of the intern mixer tonight."

She allowed herself a small smile and asked, "Trying to bribe me work husband?"

"Whatever it takes work wife. So...........you'll........................?

"Yeah. Yeah. What's one more baby? Now I have five here and one at home. Two at home if you count Tucker."

He asked sincerely, "How is that going?"

"Well. I.................." Her pager went off and she said, "I have to go. My patient is prepped." She hurried off and he thought, that went well.

He ran down the long corridor with lanky strides hoping he wasn't too late. He glanced at his watch and cursed the limo service that he had used to bring him to the airport. He saw a few passengers anxiously hanging over the gate agent's desk and said loudly as he screeched to a stop. "I'm Mark Sloan. 4E."

The gate agent looked up and lightly admonished him, "Mr. Sloan. I was just getting ready to give your seat away to someone trying to upgrade. Next time please don't cut it this close." She handed him the boarding card as the standby upgrade passengers glared at him.

He winked at her and said, "I promise...........I'll do better." He walked swiftly down the jet way onto the plane that was due to depart in less than ten minutes. The flight attendant met him at the door and glanced at his boarding card. "Let me help you with your carryon luggage Mr. Sloan." He let her place a small carryon in the overhead. He took his jacket off and handed it to her. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. What can I get you to drink?"

"Coffee would be great." As he walked through first class he hoped he had a decent seatmate. Preferably one that didn't talk. Jesus this flight was packed. A few disgruntled people came up behind him and he quickly sank into his seat as they walked past him into coach. He barely glanced at the girl or woman next to him in 4F who was fast asleep with a blanket wrapped over her. She was curled up and facing the window. The flight attendant brought his coffee and he settled in. He sighed as the plane speed down the runway. He hoped he wasn't making a huge mistake. It would be the second biggest mistake of his life. He clenched his eyes closed and grimaced as he thought of the first.

I didn't write this story full credit goes to "Too Attached" from the board "Greysmcboard" site Tapatalk!
Published 2010

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