Love at First Frostbite

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Author's Note: So this was kind of abandoned lol. Just like my other fics from earlier this year. Coronavirus or whatever, you know the vibes. Let me say thank you to the one person who's reading this- shoutout to you. Anyways back to the lesbian romance.

I woke up in a cold sweat. My heart was pounding. What was that? My panic was clouding my memories, but it started to come back in bits and pieces. I couldn't remember the details however.

"My old friend... she called me... a name?" I wondered out loud to myself. I thought back to my journal and quickly grabbed it out of my satchel next to my bed in a panic. I flipped to my most recent journal entry, the contents of my nightmare before. Why did I even write those entries down? What was I thinking? I should probably just rip these pages out, but still...a part of me wanted to leave those pages in there. I felt attached to it somehow. No, what am I thinking? Why would I even want to write that stuff down in the first place? I go to tear out the pages when my brother, Ryder, slams open the door.

"What are you doing? Come on, there are intruders from the outside!" He shouts. I shove my book into my satchel as my brother pulls me away. He tosses me an extra spear he had been carrying with him. I was very curious about these people. How could they have possibly gotten inside the wall? And what danger could they possibly bring? Without realizing it, me and Ryder had already made it to the front of the group. We came across a clearing, and I could hear people talking. I signaled everyone to surround the clearing as quietly as possible. They must not have been very quiet though, because the tree I was hiding behind was cut down. Me and the people around me all bore our weapons in their direction, preparing for an attack. I noticed what the girl had used to cut down the tree- a large sword made out

"Lower your weapon." I told her. There are two loud clangs off in the distance and I see the Arendelle soldiers appear. We Northuldra had become familiar enough with them due to territorial disputes.

"And you lower yours," Lieutenant says. I saw Yelena walk over towards them.

"Threatening my people, Lieutenant?" She asks.

"Invading my dance space, Yelena?" He responds. As those two were arguing, I finally noticed our intruders. There was a guy, a girl, a reindeer, and the most beautiful person I had ever seen. She was standing next to the red headed girl, and I could hardly look away. No, I couldn't think like that. She's the enemy, remember? We have no idea what she's capable of. I grab hold of my spear a little tighter. I see the red headed girl swing her sword, and watch the Arendelle soldiers move in. We move in as well. I'm running full speed towards these strangers, when I slip and fall to the ground. As I fell I realized I had slipped on ice. In the middle of autumn? It didn't make any sense. How did she do it? As all of us are in shock, the soldiers too. The group of intruders talk to themselves. I look to my brother, who is just as shocked as I am, when I hear a voice come from the legs of the two girls. A tiny little talking snowman squeezes past them. Now we were all really confused. Every single person in the crowd had a shocked look on their face. What the heck was that thing? I felt my brother duck behind me as he gasped. He could be such a scaredy cat sometimes I swear.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I just find clothes restricting." It says. Yeah, as if that was the problem. Then, he goes into detail about the events leading up to their entrance into the forest. It was a pretty dramatic rendition to say the least. It was so sad. As he was telling it, I couldn't help but look over to the beautiful girl, who I now know was Elsa, and feel bad for her. No one understood how she felt her entire life. I could relate to that. Of course, I didn't have any powers or anything, but I always felt like no one actually understood what was going on with me. I wanted to comfort her or something. I took it as somewhat of an inspirational story, seeing her going from concealing her real self to being able to be who she was without fear. I just met this girl, and already there's so much I want to tell her. I was going to have a lot to write about in my diary tonight. I look around at all the people sitting next to me and kind of got a little self conscious. I mean, there were so many other people there who were also hearing her life story. She would probably want to talk to them instead. I had bummed myself out. I felt bad by the time the snowman, who I now know is Olaf, finally finished his story. The group of others stood around awkwardly while we all just sat there.

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