Chapter 7: Memories of the Past (1)

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Warning: This chapter contains descriptions of graphic violence and death. Read at your own discretion.

Eight Years Earlier...

At thirteen years old, you were the oldest of the children residing in the underground city orphanage. They ran around now, kicking up clouds of dust as they pointed up at the dirt ceiling that obscured the citizens' views of the sky.

"(Name)," a short girl with blonde pigtails asked, tugging on your sleeve, "is that really what the sky looks like? What about the blue that everyone who visits talks about? Where is that?"

You smiled down at the girl.

"One day, we'll see it, Edith," you promised, "someday, we'll escape this place and go to the surface."

"But we won't have anywhere to go," the pudgy brunette, Cynthia, pointed out.

You patted her head reassuringly. "Well, there has to be someplace in the world for us." 

"Don't you have parents, (Name)?" Cecil asked, scratching at his golden hair.


It was true that you weren't an orphan. Your parents were alive and well. But right after you were born, they had rushed underground, dumped you at this orphanage, and retreated back to the surface to their home within Wall Sina. Although their actions seemed rather harsh, you kept up hope that there had been a reason behind their throwing you away. Perhaps even to this day, thirteen years later, they regretted their choice and longed for the day that they would see you again.

"It's alright, sister!" Marian, a black-haired girl with two braids gave you a sparkling smile, "you have us!"

The two red-haired twins, Cecil and Ernest, held onto your sleeve as they nodded in agreement. 

You laughed before responding, "thank you. I promise I'll always be with you, too!"

Suddenly, as the sound of footsteps approached, both you and the children turned to look at a tall man who tilted his hat in greeting. 

"(First Name) (Last Name), the oldest child of the orphanage?" he asked. 

"That's me," you said.

"You are to vacate this place with the children. Your care is no longer funded for and we have sold this area."

"What?" you demanded. "What about Rena?"

Rena was the owner of this orphanage who had taken a short trip to the surface. There was no way someone as quiet and and kind as her would leave you all behind. Although Rena couldn't have been over twenty, she had willingly offered so many years ago to take you all under her wing. It was true that she was given small sums of money to take care of the children, but there was no way she would leave you alone for her own benefit.

"She has left of her own free will to the surface, and thus, you no longer have ownership of this place."

"That's ridiculous!" you said, unable to believe your ears. Then you stuttered, "a-at least find us a place to stay!"

"You are only thirteen years old. You are not old enough to own a place of residence."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" you asked, struggling to keep your composure in front of the children.

"There is no place I can recommend, though..." the man's eyes flickered over to Marian's black hair, "that girl's of the Oriental race. Most of them were wiped out long ago and she's young, so she should fetch a handsome price in the underground black market." 

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