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'How did it always end up this way? Why couldn't I ever resist him?'

That was the thought weakly being asked in Machi's mind as it began to fade in importance to him. He didn't have an excuse to why such a relationship started between them because his curse didn't play a part in his actions. 

Only desire did. 

As much as he wanted to feel repulsed by Naoya's lips against his neck and hands touching his exposed body under the foaming water within the bath, he longed for it. Machi couldn't get enough of his touch or his sweet words. 

"You have me. I'm all yours." Naoya whispered against Machi's neck before continuing to kiss him down his shoulder blades. 

"Are you?" Machi asked softly more to himself, but Naoya clearly heard him as the question echoed in the enclosed bathroom. 

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Machi lifted Naoya's hand in front of him and interlaced their fingers while his other hand traced Naoya's ring finger. "When you're married, all of this our relationship end. You won't ever care for me in the same way I do for you."

"Who says?" Naoya disregarded his worries since he didn't feel them significant since he felt that such a trivial arrangement such a marriage was only a title rather than a commitment to one woman. He continued to kiss him behind his ears before Machi pulled away from him and turned to directly meet his eyes. 

"Your wife--"

"A woman has no say in my personal matters," Naoya said abruptly as if he were offended for Machi to assume some woman would dictate his decisions and shifted closer to Machi while he continued to move back from him within the tub. Naoya started to get frustrated as Machi kept creating distance between them until his back hit the other end of the grand bath. 

"We both know this is wrong, Naoya." His voice started to fade out as Naoya got closer to him and trapped him there between his arms. Naoya carefully placed his fingers around Machi's neck and gradually held it tighter within his hand. 

"You're getting far too comfortable."

"I meant Master Naoya," Machi said under his breath and Naoya felt his words fan against his own lips while hovering above him. His eyes were drawn to how defenseless Machi seemed when he'd stare up at him with his lavender-pink eyes. "We should just end this..." Machi spoke up reluctantly. 

Naoya didn't even take the suggestion into consideration before pulling Machi up by his neck to connect their lips. Machi grunted in slight pain and tried to force his body to pull away from the intoxicating kiss. Naoya parted their kiss before muttering against his lips, "Why are you suddenly so defiant? We both knew from the start that this wasn't 'right' but, it's too late to be righteous isn't it?"

Machi gasped softly when Naoya began stroking his dick under the water which seemed to bring far more pleasure than before since Naoya's hand glided so easily. Machi felt Naoya's hand drop from his neck and instead rested his arm beside Machi's head. 

Naoya placed his forehead against Machi's and whispered to him, "Do you want me to stop?"

He was only answered with broken panting and a weak nod of Machi's head. Naoya smirked from his noises and admired Machi's erotic expression with his mouth hung open but no words coming out of it. 

"Use your words or I can't understand."

Machi lifted his hands onto Naoya's shoulders and they drifted down to his chest. "Don't," Machi choked out and stifled a moan when Naoya purposely hastened the pace of his hand on him. 

"Don't what? Does that mean you want me to stop," Naoya released his hand of his dick with a smug smile tugging at his lips when Machi grabbed his wrist and held it in place.

"No, I want you to keep going." He pleaded with shame and guilt laced within his words but his desire won out against his attempt to resist. Machi could feel Naoya's knowing eyes burning into him and a wide grin of satisfaction clear on his features. Naoya lifted his chin with his fingers and barely brushed his lips over Machi's before speaking to him. 

"Then you should put your arms above your head and stop complaining, yeah?"  Naoya worded the command carefully as if second nature as to not activate Machi's technique when not wanted. Machi obediently did as he was told and laid his head back on the tub. Naoya impatiently threw Machi's legs over his shoulders and thrusted his fingers into him without much of a warning. Naoya enjoyed watching Machi squirm as he eyes struggled to stay open and he panted heavily. 

"This is all it takes for you? Maybe we should do it in the bath more often."

His back arched against the tile when Naoya eventually found his prostate and happily abused the spot while chuckling at Machi's state of complete ecstasy. His moans were louder and beginning to break into heavy gasps for air. Naoya traced his other hand along the inside of Machi's leg before running his tongue down his leg simultaneously. 

"Master Naoya, I-" Machi's voice was cut off by a sudden feeling of emptiness and the high of his body dropping drastically in a matter of seconds.

"How dull, I don't feel satisfied." Naoya swiftly pulled out his fingers and peered at Machi, enjoying his expression of disappointment even though he tried to hide it. "I'm bored and I mean," Naoya paused and ran his finger under Machi's chin. "We shouldn't be doing this anyways, right my dear Machi?"

Naoya rose out of the water and practically towered over Machi as the water fell down his body. His muscles became even more prominent from the glisten of the water dripping down. Machi found his eyes following one of the droplets as it traced down Naoya's chest, down his waist, and falling into his inner thigh. It left Machi's eyes staring at his lower body and he was drawn to move forward. 

Just as Naoya attempted to leave the bath, Machi placed his hands carefully on the sides of his waist and Machi's lips hovered over his abdomen. Machi looked up Naoya with clouded eyes of sexual desire. 

"You always know exactly what I need," Naoya said and pushed Machi's hair out of his face as he went to place his hands on Naoya's dick before tilting his head to take him into his mouth. Machi began slowly bobbing his head and sucking on Naoya's dick without much effort. 

"Defiance?" Naoya asked with a playful tone since he enjoyed how Machi would glare at him from below and probably planned to leave Naoya on the edge in the same way. Naoya hummed in amusement and roughly grabbed his hair before thrusting himself into Machi's mouth. Naoya threw his head back and groaned in pleasure when Machi made a noise of surprise against him. "Who in their right mind would give this up?" Naoya said between breathes.

"Ass..hole," Machi's forced out in muffled sounds with a full mouth but, somehow Naoya understood and quickened the pace of his thrusts to hasten his own release. 

A long groan came from Naoya after he ripped Machi's mouth off of himself by his hair to prevent anything from tainting Machi's lips that were completely swollen. Instead, he came into the water and let out a tired sigh. 

"Satisfied?" Machi muttered and rested on the back of the tub as he chest would rise and fall with every tired breath. Naoya didn't answer and just stepped out the tub to wrap his robe around his body. 

"You know where the extra robe is located. You will sleep with me tonight."

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