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"You have three meetings today, one of them being with the Mr

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"You have three meetings today, one of them being with the Mr. Zenin. Also, your future wife has requested some time with you."

"Cancel all of them. I'm not in the mood to deal with those matters at the moment."

His eyes were fixed solely on Machi but, he couldn't get him to meet his eyes since Machi kept his eyes directly on the schedule in front of him. Machi created a fair distance between them that wasn't usually there and each time Naoya attempted to close the space, Machi would move just a bit farther.It frustrating for Naoya but, he somewhat understood that his actions were the cause of his detachment. 

So he came up with a plan to make up for it.

"I've planned a special day for just the two of us," Naoya said with a tight lipped smile and awaited to hear Machi response of rejoice. However, Machi just stared at him with his lavender-pink eyes that were filled with a type of fear or resentment that Naoya had never seen from him.

"It's not a choice, is it? You own me," Machi repeated the phrase while his eyes pierced Naoya's skin.

"It's entirely your choice. Today is your day where you will be given the freedom to lead me wherever you wish."

Naoya gave a wide grin and Machi's eyes went wide in surprise since he couldn't believe that Naoya would even suggest such an idea himself.

"Honestly?" Machi questioned. "I may do what I please and you will follow my instruction?"

"To a certain extent but, of course, Machi. I'll do anything for you."

Machi fidgeted with his fingers and tried to read any insincerity within Naoya's voice or eyes but he couldn't find any. Though he was confused whether he could actually tell he was being sincere or just really wanted to convince himself that he was.

Naoya went over to Machi and stopped just a few steps short. He went to lift his hands and Machi's body tensed to prepare himself for some sort of punishment for questioning his honesty. Instead, Naoya simply put out his hands and waited for Machi to place his own on top of them when he felt comfortable.

"I do apologize for how I treat you, Machi. I know that such words won't weigh to much until I've proven my sincerity. Until then I'll wait for your forgiveness," Naoya said softly and went to draw his hands back before Machi pulled them forward.

"What did you have in mind?" Machi asked quietly.

Naoya smiled down at him and raised his hands within his own to his face. "May I?"

Machi's face burned with embarrassment as he reluctantly nodded his head. Naoya gently kissed Machi's knuckles.

"Let us begin our day then."

The day was perfect. At least in Machi's sense it'd been one of the most selfless actions that he had the privilege to witness from Naoya. He'd taken him to a shopping area where they'd visited a small coffee shop and simply made conversation with one another. For the first time, Naoya seemed to open himself to Machi. He'd given him a glimpse into a part of him that Machi knew most hadn't been able to see. 

Naoya was gentle with him. Kind even. So much to the point that Machi feared he'd only imagined the day in his mind and soon he'd be forced to wake up from such a dream. 

Then, the two planned to visit an amusement park, despite the fact that Naoya was frightened by the majority of the attractions. 

"Do you want to ride anything in particular when we get there? Like rollercoasters?" Naoya asked and tried to hide the frown on his lips when thinking about the large attractions. Machi glanced up at him and analyzed each of his features before giving a small smile. 

"I'm a bit scared of rides like those," Machi said softly and went to interlace his fingers between Naoya's. 

"It's fine. We can just go on the smaller rides if you want," Naoya suggested and held tightly to Machi's hand within his own as if he could slip away from him at any given moment. 

Just as they were about to leave the shopping area, Machi felt a droplet fall onto his cheek. Then the lone drop was followed by a few more on his head until it was completely pouring rain. The nearest cover being a short alleyway with a dry area created by a large area of a restaurant.

Naoya was quick to call someone to pick them up and swore under his breath from the sudden weather change. "Now our day is going to be cut short."

"It's alright," Machi started to say but Naoya interrupted him rather harshly. "It's not alright. You were supposed to be given so much more. We've barely gone anywhere."

"It didn't really matter to me where we went anyways. As long as I got to spend time with you," Machi admitted and leaned his head into Naoya's shoulder. 

"There's nothing else that you want?"

Machi was silent in thought as he carefully considered the question. Machi rubbed the pad of thumb against Naoya's hand and lifted his head off of his shoulder to meet his eyes. "Hold me," were the only words Machi said and Naoya opened his arms in response. 

Machi rested his head on Naoya's chest while closely listening to the low heartbeat against his ear. He closed his eyes to focus solely on how he felt within Naoya's arms and blocked everything else from his mind. This was the only thing that mattered. This feeling that Machi couldn't confine within words but, anyone who'd experience the feeling themselves would understand it. 

How could Machi ever bring himself to end their relationship when he remembered all of their precious memories? 

Naoya felt guilty about the events that occurred that night. He knew that. 

It wouldn't be the last time. He knew that too. 

However, Machi couldn't imagine leaving him. He couldn't even entertain the thought. He was terrified to stray away from the one person he wholeheartedly wanted to believe he knew best. The one person he swore was worth it. 

It had to be love because if not then what was all of this for?

It may not be patient or kind. It is envious, boastful, and sometimes too proud. It's dishonored them, been unbelievably selfish, and is too easily angered. 

Yet, in the end their love kept no record of wrongs. Not once. 

"I forgive you," Machi whispered in Naoya's chest with a muffled voice. 

To them that was priceless. 

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