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"After school I want you home Nick" my momma yelled shutting the front door. I honestly didn't know what was up with her, she was acting strange all morning for no reason at all.
I packed my stuff up and drove to school, I wasn't in the mood to pick anyone up I just wanted school to finish since my mood was already fucked up cause my mom was out here yelling at 6 in the morning. I wasn't feeling myself currently I felt outta place at moments but it might be cause my birth control pills, I've been getting moody lately and this wasn't Nicki anymore. Even tho Jacques never told me he was getting tired of my shit I knew he was just by his face but he goin have to deal with it for now cause I'm only taking those pills for him.

I looked like a mess with my black leggings and black Nike hoodie. I didn't really put effort on my clothes this morning I just put on whatever was in the bathroom hangers. I sat in my seat for first period kinda ignoring everyone and doing my work.

"A lot on your mind I'm guessing Ms.Nicki I've been calling your name and you've been daydreaming isnt that so?" Mr.C said poking fun at me

"Sorry Mr.C I already did my work tho" I said showing him my paper

"Good" he responded going back to teach

I turned around to see Ari looking at me. I smiled at her and she returned one back, I didn't wanna be rude either besides she's my sista for life.

Once the bell rung I got my computer and headed out walking downstairs to my gym class I had with Ari, Ron and Jack. I honestly hated this class and who doesn't it's gym, but I mostly hated it just cause Jason would sometimes skip to our gym period. I was praying this time he would actually go to his class instead of kissing Jacques ass.

"Yo Nicki" I heard someone yell, I chose to ignore it and act like I didn't hear anything, I pulled out my phone restarting my song again when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned to look and it was Tyler, Tyler Weld. He was a dick but somehow all the teachers seem to like the kid that disrespects them the most. I had problems with him my freshman year because he lied saying I fucked him at this party, which wasn't true because during my freshman year I never got invited to parties.

"Yea what's up" I said pulling out my headphone

"I wanted to get put on to ya pretty friend Ariana" he said smiling at me

"Oh wow really" I said giving him a sarcastic smile

"I'm not playing Nicki I like Ariana she's beautiful trust me I really want her to be mine but she seems to ignore me all the time." He said walking with me into my gym class

"Maybe cause you lied about her bestfriend aka me saying we fucked supposedly, somehow I don't remember that happening" I said rolling my eyes at him

"Look I was stupid during freshman year-"

"Very fucking stupid" I cut him off

"Yes I know and I apologize"

"Took you 2 years"

"Yes I'm sorry I was immature plus I had a huge crush on you and I thought that's the only way I would get your attention and it did but not in a good way"

"Yea whatever I can't promise anything tho" I said putting my bag against the benches

"Promise I'll give you free food for a year if you get her to at least talk to me" he said scratching his head

"Fine but I can't promise Tyler" I said sitting

"Thanks Nick preciate' it" he said dabbing me up, and with that he quickly left

"Hey bitch the fuck was that" Ari said hugging me

"Tyler likes youuuuuuu don't tell him I told you tho talk to him you need some action in your life" I said resting my head on her shoulder

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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