Goodbye Quackity

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An idea where Quackity's torture got more aggressive and worse to the potions doesn't work on him, because he's immune to them due to the torture everyday.


[ Word count : 922  ]


"Give me the book and this will end Dream" Quackity's crazed voice rang through Dream's ear as another pain erupt into his entire being.

He wants this all to end but he knows it won't, as the book of revival in his possession the beating or torture will only got worse each day.

He release strings of screams of agony as a spiked whip slam across his back, his mouth bled from how hard he bit his lips just in hope to tone it all down. Sobbing harder as it all got more rough than the other days, he felt all the weapons being slam or sliced him aggressively, he can't take this please, just please someone, anyone


Screaming for someone to help him, save him, end him.

He can't curl, wanting to make himself smaller when both of his hands were tied or chained to the walls, his legs got also the same treatment. He can't hide, even just for a second, no mask, no covers, no nothing. The ceramic round mask with a smiley face painter on it, gave him comfort, a shield from this world. Without it he feel vulnerable, so weak and helpless.

Why can't Quackity see that it's for his best that he didn't want to give the book?

A book that can take someone's life in a millisecond when they can't handle it's power. No one can handle this book, only he can and that prized was his life. It's sucking his life force each and every day, bringing him closer and closer to his deathbed, you know that doesn't sound so bad. He can now be free like he always dreamed of, flying up to the sky, soaring like a bird with no shackles to pull him down.

Hearing the glass breaking underneath him and the familiar potion enter his body.

"Give it to me Dreamy~ Don't you want this all to end?" A really fake soft voice whispers- is it really a whisper or it's just his hearing? - to him. He really wants to answer something yet he can't, his throat sore from all that screaming and he can faintly taste some of his blood inside his mouth even knowing there's a lot of it in there.

His body still aching, it confused him. The potion should've taken effect by now, yet none of his million scars and wounds healed. Not even a single one.

Feeling the chains come undone, harshly meeting the cold hard floor making him cry in pain. He laid for who knows long and he feel warm?

Yes warm, instead of the coldness emitting from the obsidian prison, he can feel the warm from something else and being tortured for a very long time he knows what it was. Small weak smile crawl to his lips, blood pooling underneath him, the black choice of flooring really leave Quackity oblivious at this as he kept trying to manipulate Dream into giving him the book.

He let out a weak chuckle that got the attention of Quackity. "What are you laughing at?" The other asked him, the sharp tip of the sword is just a millimeter away from cutting a thin line on his throat.

Instead of being intimidated by this he only gave a small wheeze from his already laboured breathing. "Goodbye Quackity" He said quietly that it's consider to be a whisper yet it wasn't, it's loud enough for a person to hear but quiet enough for a secret being passed onto the other.

Quackity of course heard this and can't help but feel a shiver creeping up to his spine. "What do you mean!?" He demand.

Irritation flood through his system when Dream didn't respond just smiling weakly at him, unmoving from his spot and it confused him greatly. Crouching down, the first thing he felt was cold and warmth, cold from the obsidian of course but the warmth? He didn't know. Putting his hands on the floor, feeling some kind of sticky liquid attached to his arms, he brought this up to his face and a strong scent of iron hit him.

"What the-"

His blood run cold as the situation occur to him now. Seeing as the dull eyes look at nothing and a weak smile still plastered on his face, not moving even an inch, not even taking small ragged breathes. Touching the prisoner's face, expecting some kind of warm like a living person instead it was cold as ice.

"Dream?" Shaking the cold body back and forth hoping for anything to happen. "Nononono, Dream wake up man" He now desperately shake the body, the weight on his shoulder got impossibly heavy as he kept trying to wake the man up.

He splash more potions of health but it didn't do jack shit when it was supposed to heal wounds yet not a single wounds even closed up or healing.

He starts to panic, a million thought came passed through his head as he tries to wake the prisoner up.

'Shit shit shit- Sam's not gonna defend me now fuck!'

'But isn't this great? The tyrant that made their life a complete hell is now dead'

'Still they will find out it's me! Sap and Karl will break up with me and I can't have that!'

His thoughts were messing with him, he can't focus on anything other than waking the already dead man that he couldn't hear the redstone contraptions working from behind him. He stopped when a soft voice from behind him spoke.



A/N: I really don't know what I'm writing here but it's been here in my draft for 3 months and glaring at me. TwT

My heads empty. No thought.

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