Wrong timing

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An Idea of mine where the scene takes place when Dream was cornered but there's a group of people joined in the last seconds.


[ Word count : 886 ]


"Put all your things in the hole Dream" A child ordered him.

He just sigh and thinking he could play with them for a moment before going to that black box.

"Hmmm.." He put his hand under his chin while doing a fake acting of thinking all of this before answering. "Yeah no" he had a grin behind the mask he's wearing, chuckling internally at the rage he felt from them.

"That wasn't an request Dream, it's an order" Sam coldly state to him. Trying to intimidate him but the effort was futile. A snail would just ignore him, Techno's much better than this and that hybrid of a pig didn't even do anything intimidating to scare anyone, what would happened if Techno would get serious?

He just scoff and sassily answer. "I know and I said No" He grinned internally as he watch the rage and fury on their faces, looking back to the right he saw Punz holding back his laughter as well.

"You don't get it, put them all in the hole or we'll kill you" Sapnap threaten him, he just let out a small chuckle before answering with the same amount of sass. "And as I said before No"

George who is now irritated because the lack of sleep, looking at him with such coldness that no one ever seen from the Sleeping Beauty in the SMP. "We're not joking Dream" Dream the mind manipulator he is just cheekily answer them with no fear at all. "Neither do I"

"Just do it Dream, we don't have all day" Tubbo annoyingly said to the green man who just smile underneath the mask. "Then just leave me be cause I can do this all day" He tease the teen, pushing buttons is what he loves the most, especially if the subject is a living object.

"You are getting into my nerves now" Quackity brought out his enchanted netherite sword and point it on Dream, a scowl was presented on his face and it just made the teletubby smile devilishly inside.

"Am I or am I not?"

That's the last straw in Quackity's patience before launching at Dream. He didn't intend to stop this and neither do the SMP, but the relaxed facade of the man put them all in unease. Some was about to intervene until a several chat pops out.

Dré joined the server

Nightmare joined the server

Lucid joined the server

Paralysis joined the server

Insomnia joined the server

Daydream joined the server

Sleep joined the server

They all stood there in shock as they read the names of each player and the one on top froze them in spot. Looking at the man infront of them all who's now shaking his head and laughing softly. Some were about to asked until an awfully familiar voice rang out.


A shout rang out throughout the forest, it rivals the loudest teen here.

"Shut up Dré, we just came here so we can eat dinner since no one knows how to cook" A raspy voice follows, they all hesitate to turn around and when they did around Seven beings in color scheme matched clothing was all they saw and it honestly confused until a wheezing laughter that can be compared as a Teakettle rang through their ears.

"O-oh Dr-dream!" A shy voice from the grey colored hoodie points to the wheezing man.

"Really?" Dream walk to them with a smile grazing his features underneath the mask, shaking his head fondly at the newcomers.
"You guys still don't know how to cook?" A brotherly aura coming from him as he stop infront of the seven people.

"It's not our fault that we can't cook!" A whine came from the floating blue green figure as it hug Dream. "Yeah, we already ask XD to cook for us but he's busy as always" the lighter green hoodie with a crack mask continue.

"We can't blame XD though, he's probably exhausted to keep all of the Au's balance" the man in purple hoodie retorts, he walk towards Dream and joining the hug.

"Yeah and even though Dré who's doing manhunt since teenage years still can't cook!" The in black hoodie accused Dré. "We'll sorry cause you all know why I'm banned from the kitchen right?" Dré says while rolling his eyes.

The one in yellow, blue, grey and purple just watched them while hugging Dream.

"Dré, paralysis stop that okay and let's go to the house to check if you all burned it down like last time" Dream broke the two out from their banter.

"We didn't promise! If there's a tiny fire it's Nightmare's fault!" The one in red hoodie let out an offended gasp. "Oi! Why me!? You could've done it too lucid!" Nightmare shout. "Well why did Big brother XD ban you and Dré from the kitchen again?" The blue one tease Nightmare.

"Seems legit, all I did was boiling water for the soup, Sleep"

"Then how in the flying fuck did you burn the water!?" Paralysis exclaimed.

Dream just sigh before teleporting them all out of here.

Meanwhile the people at the back was frozen and can't get their mind think properly when there's a seven versions of their manipulator.

"What the fuck just happened?"


A/N: Color coding siblings.

If some of you are confuse on who is who then this might help.

Light green- Dré
Red- Nightmare
Purple- Lucid
Black- Paralysis
Grey- insomnia
Light green- Daydream
Blue- Sleep

If some of you are still confuse by this oneshot don't worry, you're not the only one.

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