She's Here ( Dragon Dream and his Whelp² )

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Part two of the mama Dream and his child with the SMP

Let's goo!!


[ Word count : 1119 ]


"Harhar" Techno sarcastically drawl out. Rolling his eyes to emphasis it more, then suddenly his eyes lit up and mouth curve into a teasing smirk.

"I can see that you really have a house but..." Chuckling lightly when he sees his rival looking at him or more like glaring at him.

"Did you really have this since the beginning or built this after you run away?" As soon as he finished saying that, he quickly dodge the incoming punch heading towards his face.

"I know you would say that! But still!!" Dream huff in annoyance. "For your information, I built my house since the beginning. Where do you think I would disappear from time to time?"

Techno put his hands under his chin and made a thinking face. "Hmmmm.... I don't know maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

As the two talk or bicker the rest of the group just watch them.

They all stare at each other, going from the toes to head.

"They don't see us" Ant said just smiling away. He look at Hbomb. "Do you see me?"

"Yes I can see you, do you see me?" Hbomb question back.

"I can see you too" Antfrost answer.

Bad, Tommy, Sam, Philza and Sapnap shook their head at the antics of the duo.

The five of them look back at the other duo and to their relief they are not bickering.

Philza and Bad approaches the two, smiling softly.

"Sooo.... Where's the baby?" Philza ask, smiling slyly along with Bad on his side, cause in their inventory there's a lot of things to use to spoil a baby.

Dream still glaring at Techno not catching on Philza's intention. "She's right there, don't worry about the creeper, he won't hurt you" He answer calmly even though his eyes not leaving the crimson red eyes of his rival as they engage into another glaring contest.

The two and quickly approach to where the nanny creeper is watching the baby, there's even a villager there with a bright pink backpack. The creeper notice them first and hissed in warning but without the spark around him that would warn the others that they are close to self-destruction. Stopping on their tracks and put their hands up in the air.

"We're not here to harm you okay and Dream gave us permission to check on her, so can we?" Bad spoke softly, trying not to aggravate the protective creeper.

The creeper stare at them critically and a little later he back down but he's still eyeing them if something will happen. You can't blame him, that baby is really precious to their admin and all of them are loyal to the fault to their creator.

So if Admin isn't even warning them to go to his precious whelp then who was he to intervene?

He ceased his hissing and let them pass, still not convince that they won't do anything, he will just observe closer so that he could protect their princess away from the hunters.

Bad and Philza saw this and slightly bow their head in gratefulness and respect for the creeper. They slowly go to the happily babbling/giggling baby as she watch the game that all of the mobs participate except for some. Their heart melt at the scene, this baby is so cuutee, if someone says otherwise then they'll experience hell itself.

Once they are at the arms length, they crouch down and let the baby notice them. It's not even that long till she turn around when she felt unfamiliar presence behind her, maybe not unfamiliar with the other one.

"Hoa blrrr babbaba da blllpttzz!!" She babbled excitedly, clapping her hands as she see the familiar face when she first broke from her shell.

As expected the two man cooed at this, absentmindedly reach out to their inventory and pull out the toys they brought and hand it to the still babbling baby.

A high pitch yell caught the attention of them all. Dream quickly look at his daughter, weapon and form out for the world to see, ready to attack the fucker who hurt her but halted when he saw her laughing adorably when she got her hands on the soft plushies and hug it tightly.

For someone who just came out from the shell just 3 weeks ago is really big for their age. If you don't know her, you would think she's 8 months old or 10 months oldfrom how big and smart she is.

Who was he kidding. He can still remember the first he broken out of his shell and being cradled by his mom.

'Cursed of being a dragon is like being an elephant, photographic memory' He thought annoyingly, his lips pursed into a scowl that turned into a soft smile. 'Yet I can't hate it, the face of my mother when she held me were the best and sometimes it's quite useful too'

Sniggering as the memories of a Minecraft Manhunt flashed before his eyes. Some people will easily get lost and never find the thing they were looking for, unlike him, his mind is both blessing and a cursed.

Blessing for not forgetting the memorable things he experienced and Cursed cause he can't forget the things that will hurt or torment him for the rest of his life.

'A shoot, I'm getting a little more sentimental here sheesh'

Blatantly ignoring the weird looks he got from Techno when he let out a snort or a laugh. Instead he raised his eyebrows and look back.


Techno squints his eyes a little more then slowly look away and says "Nothing....." like it would make his rival believe and not annoyed at all.

"Uh-huh, liked I'll believe that"

See what I mean?

And whenever the scenery is all peaceful and really relaxing there's always a catastrophe will happen wether they like it or not.

Right on cue, a "Vvvvoommmppp!" Noise from where the baby is located and when they exactly turn to see it, they saw a lone Enderman holding Dream's baby girl look at them all and teleports with the whelp.

The guest blink and double blink and triple blink of what the fuck - "LANGUAGE!!" - *ehem* I mean duck just happened while the father noticed the dark green emblem on the forehead of the entity.

Eyes twitching from anger as he screech on the top of his lungs.


He screech or more like a roar.

And yes this roar traveled throughout the SMP that it shaken's the inhabitants who didn't know who produces such terrifying roar.

The girl with the name who's been roared by the angry parent are cooing and playing with the child that she stole from them.

The End....











Or is it?....


A/N: I'm really sorry for not doing this sooner, I'm just really lazy and too much free time to watch some YouTube or read some other books too eheheh.

So please forgive me..

And great news, I got my COVID Vaccine!!

Bad news is that I'll ghost for another few days or maybe weeks? I don't know 'cause of the effects of it.

Well, goodbye demons and see you next time this lazy author got a new motivation.

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