The Complicated Family Tree

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[ Word count : 990 ]


At the house of the Sleepy Bois, it's all a comfortable silence filled until you can hear a loud sounds of a pair of running feet from upstairs to downstairs.



Two teens at the living room with a big book lying on the table as they excitedly open it.

Flipping the page eagerly to find the one they're looking for and once they did, confusion is all they know as they tries to read the continent of it.

"It's more complicated than I thought it would be" Tubbo grumble as he tilt his head to the side as if it would make him clearly understand the pictures.

"Yeah, like how do human and a salmon create a fox as their child! Look" Tommy repeatedly points the complicated family tree of the SMP.

"It just doesn't make any sense, like how-"

They tried everything just to see if there's something they could understand, tilting their head, reading the book upside down everything. But no method ever succeeded. Only small information was extracted from that.

"Okay" Tubbo started as he scratched his head with a clueless face. "Wilbur got topped by a Salmon named Sally and gave birth to a Fox who is Fundy, is that right?" He glance at Tommy, looking for the approval.

"Yep" Popping out the 'p' and nodding in response.

"And Philza married a Samsung Refrigerator and had you, Wilbur and Techno as their child" The urges of setting the book on fire is getting stronger from there on. His eyes narrowing towards that confusing web of a family tree that is really a forest instead.

"Seems about right" Tommy answers calmly tho still confused at his family tree.

A minute of silence passed them until Tubbo breaks it.

"Is this a gene?" He ask him suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that this whole freaky family is!" He exclaimed. "Your father married a refrigerator and somehow made you three! and Wilbur followed his step by doing it with a salmon and had Fundy who is a lot older than you" Voice higher than usual and is etched with frustration and confusion.

Tommy blink at his friend's outburst before answering the question even if it isn't in the topic. "Our family tree is very confusing and freaky at the same time. I thought our mom is the goddess of death though" Tommy answer, whispering the last one though Tubbo heard it.


"Ummm... Nothing..." He then look anywhere excepts Tubbo's narrowing eyes on him and whistling like he hadn't said anything, acting clueless as ever.

Tubbo stares at Tommy for a good minute before letting it go, still not believing that fake clueless act he put up. When Tommy felt the watchful eyes leaving him, he sigh mentally and return to the 'The book of family tree'. They should've named this one as 'The big book of confusion' it's accurate.

"Hmmm... Let's go to the other ones"

They flipped the book thrice, landing on the muffin family tree.

"Oooohhh it's Bad, Skeppy and Sapnap"

When their eyes landed on the tree, it's suprisingly normal.

"Huh- it's normal... Wow" Tommy whistle at this.

"Yeah... Even tho the family is normally chaotic like everyone else" Tubbo added.

They flipped another page, landing on the....

.... Wastaken family.....

"What?" Eyes widening at what it saw.
"Dream's related to Capt. Puffy!" Tubbo yelled. Not believing what he saw.

"How! He doesn't have any hybrid features related to sheeps and goats! With Dream XD I can see why but her!?" Pointing towards the woman smiling in the picture, holding baby Dream in her arms. "How can a sweet woman like her be possibly related to that bastard!?"

The door creak indicating that someone's entering the house. They didn't paid mind at this, still trying to find the answer. The newcomer saw them and raised an eyebrow and called the two teens.

"What are you two doing?" His deep voice made the teens jump in suprise.

Tommy and Tubbo turned around at see Techno standing there with one brow raised.

"O-oh hey Big T"

"What are you two doing?" Techno repeats himself.

"Nothing... Just reading and trying to understand the family tree of the SMP" Tubbo answer, now relaxed and gone back to the book. Tommy following behind.

"I see.. so who's family are you on?" Techno walk towards the other sofa, not before putting his scabbard down and folding his robe neatly, placing it to the stool.

"Dream's" Tommy answer quickly, not missing a beat, still bitter from his experience in the exile. Techno see how their brows furrowed in curiosity and disbelief so he ask again.

"What's the problem?"

"We're trying to find the similarities of Dream and Capt. Puffy" Tubbo replies seriously.

Techno's eyes dimming with recognition, he sit down to his chair and sighing deeply, catching the two teen's attention.

"You got something?" Tommy ask the man, eyes lighten up with hope along with Tubbo.

Techno had gone silent for a moment before saying. "I have one" This peak the two teens interest, as they temporarily abandoning 'The Big Book of Confusion' (Yeah, I'm calling it that from now on) to let their focus on Techno.

"Tell us!"


Techno look up to them, making an eye contact. "It's called adopting, have you two ever heard of that before?" As he let his tone impassive as possible, taking in amusement as the two lit up in embarrassment.

"A-ah, I forgot about that..." Tubbo sheepishly scratch the back of his neck as wall as avoiding the stares.

( See what I did there 😂 ‘sheepishly’ )

Tommy huff, glaring at Techno without the fire as it was extinguish by the hole in his pride. "Shut it" he snapped at the older man, trying to not let the blush of embarrassment crept up to his face but failed miserably as he sees the grin.


A/N: Sorry for the short Oneshot but I don't know how to extend it much longer with my empty thoughts.

I was gonna put something angsty at the end like;

“The mother's a goat and the baby is a scapegoat”

Along that line but decided not today.

Hope you all had a very good day, noon and night!

See you all for the next update, whenever that is..

Goodbye devils/demons

Author signing 📴

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