The Party

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Mycroft sat in his room at the Diogenes Club the next day reading a paper. When he heard two sets of footsteps coming towards his room. Sherlock and Dr Watson were back. He didn't turn to face them as the door opened he didn't need to, he continued to read his paper. "Congratulations on solving the case then" Sherlock looked at him and took a chair opposite him and John sat on the chair next to Sherlock. "Thank you brother dear.." Sherlock said "..though I presume you already solved it yourself" Mycroft smiled "yes, in less than an evening, it was awfully simple I'm surprised it took you 5 days brother mine, your getting incredibly slow!" "4 days actually!" Sherlock said. "Could you never phone us, you know give us some clues!" John cut in. Mycroft looked at John and said nothing before looking back to Sherlock. "Why are you here?" Sherlock smiled and then passed a note to Mycroft. 'What on earth could this be?' Mycroft thought. He opened it to see it was an invitation, a party invitation. "What the hell Sherlock" Sherlock laughed at his older brother who looked honestly scared. Mycroft leaned forward and placed the invitation on his desk, he looked straight at Sherlock "why on earth am I invited to a party". Sherlock looked back at him "that's what I said" John smirked at that comment. "I'm serious Sherlock" Sherlock rolled his eyes "Scotland yard are having some sort of office party to celebrate the amount of cases solved, so obviously myself and John were invited and.." "me!" Mycroft cut in "why would I be invited, apart from some behind the scenes swooping I have nothing to do with Scotland Yard" "I don't know Mycroft" Sherlock said amused at seeing his brother look so lost and confused "you did just say you solved the case in one evening" John said standing up "but I didn't tell anyone my theory Dr Watson" Mycroft said almost standing up too like he didn't want to be left alone again "well you still solved it" John said before turning around and waking out the room. Sherlock then stood up too "Sherlock please" Mycroft said 'please what?' he thought to himself, why was he craving to not be alone. Sherlock looked at his big brother "see you at the party Mycroft" he said smirking. He then walked out. Leaving Mycroft sat alone again. In silence.

Sherlock met John in the corridor outside. "You don't really think he'll come do you" John said "of course he won't" Sherlock smiled back "but that was fun"

Mycroft looked back at the Invitation, he hadn't been invited to a party ever, why was he feeling happy, he shouldn't be he thought, he should throw this in the bin and forget the whole thing.
Come and join us at our office party
Attendees must wear casual attire
Buffet and Drinks will be served
11 | 06

4th floor New Scotland Yard, Victoria Embankment, Victoria, City of Westminster.
Starts at 9pm

He read the invitation twice, looking at every single word, he thought about how many others would be reading the same invite, Sherlock had read it and John had read it and all the staff at Scotland Yard. Lestrade, of corse Lestrade will have read this, he'll definitely be going to the party, Mycroft smiled and then realised he was smiling and shut his mouth tightly shut, clenching his jaw so tight he wasn't sure  if it would open again. Why did he want to go so bad, this should be his worst nightmare, so why was he already planning what to wear in his mind.

Mycroft tried to go back to reading his paper but he just couldn't he was too distracted, he was so good at controlling his emotions but all he could think about was being at a party with Lestrade, 'this is crazy' he thought. He looked at his desk again, and reached for his phone, he didn't know who he was going to call, he looked at his contacts, he couldn't go to his first ever party alone, he needed someone.

"Ah Lady Smallwood, hello" he said
"Mycroft, hi um I'm sorry I didn't think you were coming to the office today"
"I'm not, I'm calling on a.. personal matter"
Elizabeth sounded quite taken back by this
"Oh, right ok, what can I do to help"
Mycroft paused, not really being able to believe these words were about to leave his mouth, once they did that was it there was no turning back.
"Would you like to be my plus one to a party at Scotland Yard, it's on the 11th of June I'll pick you up at around 8:30pm. Is that ok?"
Elizabeth was silent for a few seconds, Mycroft Holmes the Ice man was going to a party! And what's more he'd invited her as his plus one.
"Um let me just check my diary" she said
Mycroft waited on the other line, crossing his fingers, he didn't have anyone else to ask
"Yes I'm free, I'll see you tomorrow then"
"Ok fantastic" Mycroft said and he smiled again! He then hung up the call and realised what she'd just said 'tomorrow' of corse, today was the 10th how could he forget. He clasped his hands together and put them under his nose, he and Sherlock always did this when they were thinking. 'Oh my' he thought 'what am I doing'.

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