Alone hurts

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Lestrade was in the waiting room alone sat on one of the cold plastic chairs, the room was dark as only one of the three lights were on. He sat with his hands clasped together and his head down, his eyes were shut but he wasn't asleep, he wasn't thinking, he was just sat. He listened to the water machine make occasional strange noise and he waited. Everything had been explained to him by a police Sargent he actually recognised from work. Mycroft had some top secret files on a laptop and someone had sent some agents to get it off him. Nobody knows exactly what happened because no one else was there but they were presuming Mycroft had realised someone was in his house and tried to stop them. They'd shot Mycroft right in the middle of his chest, they hadn't shot any organs but Mycroft had been laid on the floor bleeding for what they estimated about 15 minutes until a silent alarm had been triggered on the laptop and police rushed to Mycroft's home. He was still alive just, Greg hadn't gone to see him yet, he couldn't bare it, he didn't want to move from his chair. He eyes were still shut when he heard footsteps walk into the waiting room, please not another nurse or Sargent he thought, he'd had enough pats on the back. The footsteps stopped then there was a creek as the person sat on one of the plastic chairs probably only three away from Greg. He opened his eyes to see it was John, John was looking down at his hands and he looked very tired, he felt Greg looking at him so he looked to his side to make eye contact with Greg. He didn't smile but the look he gave him said "I'm so sorry". Greg was about to speak when he realised the lump in his throat was so big he wouldn't be able to speak without bursting into tears. He tried to compose himself but he couldn't, embarrassed he began to cry, John came over to him in an instant, he sat on the chair next to Greg but he didn't put his arm around him or give him a hug or say anything, he just sat next to Greg which was enough. Greg leaned against John "it's not fair" he said trying to stop crying "I know" John said "but it is what it is" that saying meant a lot to John and he only said it when he needed to. Greg sat back up and wiped his eyes on his sleeve "you should go see him Greg" John said looking up at Greg "I can't, not right now" John looked back at Greg and nodded and then Greg got up and walked out the hospital, he looked at the time on his phone 23:46 he'd been sat in that waiting room for hours. The air was cold and almost felt like it was pinching him as he'd been inside a dimly lit hospital waiting room for so long. He started walking back to his apartment, when he decided he didn't want to. He wanted to go to Mycroft's house he knew he wasn't going to be there, but he hated thinking about it being all empty and unprotected. Plus he had a date with Mycroft he was late for. He walked all the way to Mycroft's house. Crime scene tape was everywhere but the house was empty now. He'd been shot in a corridor at the back of the house, Greg would avoid that corridor. He pushed open Mycroft's huge front door and the house had a different feel, it was dark and cold, 'if only i'd been here' he thought. No, he couldn't think like that. He walked into the kitchen and smiled as he saw a packet of waffles on the counter. He took them out the packet and put them in the toaster he turned on the stove to make scrambled eggs, he boiled the kettle to make tea. He made two mugs of tea and two plates of waffles and scrambled eggs. He placed them down in the same place they'd sat for breakfast yesterday morning. Yesterday felt like forever ago. He ate a mouthful of his food and looked and the empty chair next to him "your late for our date Mycroft" his eyes began to well up "not like you to be late" he began to cry but he kept taking "I must say your better at making scrambled eggs then me Mycroft" he cried harder "why aren't you here" he threw down his cutlery "come on Mycroft. Please just come home now" he cried to hard he found it hard to breath "I love you, so come on home" he found it hard to talk "you wanted this date Mycroft so where are you" he stood up, streaks of his tears were marked on his same old grubby white T shirt. He went into the living room and laid on the sofa. He picked up the blue blanket and wrapped it around him. He lay his head down, feeling so alone without Mycroft laying with him.

Greg woke up the next morning to the sound of car doors closing outside, he got off the sofa and ran into the corridor keeping the blue blanket wrapped around him "Mycroft" he yelled happily "Mycroft your home" the front door was pushed open and Sherlock and two other officers walked in. Greg stopped heartbroken he thought Mycroft was home. Sherlock didn't look great, he looked like he hadn't slept the previous night. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were here" Sherlock said to Greg "why are you here, is Mycroft awake" Greg said, still rays of hope in his head. "I'm seeing if I can find any clues as to who the agents are" he paused "and Mycroft is still unconscious" Sherlock couldn't look at Greg. Greg went and neatly folded the blue blanket back onto the sofa before walking out the house. He went to the hospital, he needed to see Mycroft but then he was hungry, so he went to the cafeteria and got a breakfast sandwich and a coffee, then he went to visit Mycroft but first he needed the toilet so he went, then he went to visit Mycroft but he realised first he should call his office to tell them he wasn't coming in today, then finally he was stood outside Mycroft's hospital room and couldn't think of another excuse to not go in yet. Nervously he opens the door, Mycroft was laying completely still, dozens and dozens of wires and tubes sticking out of him, loud machines beeped all around. Greg stood at the end of Mycroft's bed and looked at the machines he knew that they were all that was keeping him alive. Greg put his hands in his pockets and pulled out his ear phone, gently he put one in Mycroft's ear and he put the other in his ear then with the volume turned almost all the way down he played there song "She took my arm
I don't know how it happened
We took the floor and she said
Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me" Greg smiled as the song played and he watched Mycroft. When the song finished he gently took the ear phone back out Mycroft's ear "that's are song now" Greg said smiling "your my destiny" he said and he put his hand on Mycroft's arm "you stood me up last night" he said smiling then he put his hands in his pockets again and pulled out a waffle, "there was one more since you let yours go cold" he said. He put it down on the table next to Mycroft and he smiled again then he turned to walk out the room he opened the door and turned back to look at Mycroft one more time "goodbye Mycroft Holmes" he said smiling one last sad smile and then he shut the door and left.

Mycroft was trapped in a room, it was tiny, the walls were grey stone and there was no windows and no doors, he'd spent hours looking for a secret door in the floor or ceiling but he was sure there wasn't one. Agh he needed to get out, he banged on one of the walls yelling "hello! Anyone there!" He could hear nothing but an annoying beeping sound "hello!" He yelled one more time. He sat down in the centre of the room on the cold stone floor. He was about to just stop trying, give up trying to escape when he heard a song, it was very quiet and faint but he recognised it "She took my arm
I don't know how it happened
We took the floor and she said
Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me"
"Greg" he yelled smiling, he remembered why he was trying to get out, he stood up and to his surprise he saw Greg standing right there in front of him "Greg!" He said smiling he went to hug Greg when he saw his hands go right through him "goodbye Mycroft Holmes" he said staring right at him, then he began to turn and walk away "No! Stay! Greg!" Mycroft yelled back he heard that beeping noise again getting faster and faster now "Greg!" He yelled one more time and then he remembered, he remembered how to open his eyes. He did. The world was incredibly bright, he was in a hospital bed now, he was very confused and he felt so much pain coming from his chest, he heard a door close and he looked towards it and for a split second through the crack in the frame he saw Greg. He went to yell his name, but he couldn't, it was the most claustrophobic feeling, he couldn't move or speak and Greg was getting away. "Greg" he whispered but it was too late Greg was gone. A nurse suddenly came in and gasped to see Mycroft awake "Mycroft!" she exclaimed.

Greg was halfway down the corridor when he heard a nurse call Mycroft's name. He spun around and pushed passed two nurses to get back to Mycroft's room "Mycroft!" He said and he saw Mycroft laying there smiling the biggest smile at him. He felt like he was floating "Mycroft!" He couldn't believe it. He grabbed Mycroft's arm, four or five other nurses and doctors came in and started fiddling around with Mycroft's machines one of them kept saying "it's a miracle" but Greg had blocked them all out. He only cared about Mycroft he bent down so their foreheads touched "you owe me a date Mr Holmes" he said and at that moment he figured out who he was. He was Mycroft Holmes Boyfriend the slightly confused Detective Inspector who fell in love with the British Government himself.

Mycroft couldn't really speak but after a while he managed to whisper again "you saved me" he told Greg "no, you saved me" Greg replied "you saved each other" Sherlock said all of a sudden standing in the doorway. "Sherlock!" Lestrade said but then he smiled and looked back at Mycroft "I guess we did".

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