Family protects

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Greg spent the rest of that day sat in a chair in the corner of the hospital room. Watching Mycroft, smiling. Sherlock came in and John did and Lady Smallwood did and a man Greg didn't know. Both lady Smallwood and the man had looked a bit surprised to see Greg sitting there watching. Greg didn't understand what they talked about anyway and he wasn't really listening he was just happily watching Mycroft. "Why's detective Inspector Lestrade here?" Lady Smallwood mouthed to Mycroft just before she turned around to leave "he's my boyfriend" Mycroft said loudly, so Greg cut out of his daze staring at Mycroft and snapped his head up to look at Lady Smallwood "um I am" he looked shocked to be called that by Mycroft but then he smiled and beamed at Mycroft. Lady Smallwood smiled kindly at them both and then left. After she'd walked out Greg sprang like a cat towards Mycroft "you've never called me that before" he said staring into Mycroft's blue blue eyes "well can I?" Mycroft said smiling "of corse you can!" Greg wanted to wrap his arms around Mycroft and give him the tightest, biggest hug ever but he couldn't so he squeezed Mycroft's arm. "My parents are coming in at some point soon" he said rolling his eyes, Greg smiled "who told you that?" He said "I just know it" Mycroft said frowning. Greg smiled at his boyfriend but then realised why Mycroft was telling him "well I have something I've got to do at work anyway" Greg said "what, no you don't have to leave, I don't care about my Parents finding out" Greg paused and then smiled "I know you don't, but I do have something I really need to do" he kissed Mycroft's forehead and picked up his coat, folding it over his arm "hey how about when your home we can all go out. Family dinner. Heck we can even invite Sherlock" Greg laughed at Mycroft's expression "I'll be back before you know it" he said and then walked out.

He walked to his office, getting a confused expression from one of his colleagues "I thought you weren't coming in today?" They said "I've just got something I have to do" Greg replied, he was a little shaky but he was so ready now. He walked to the centre of the office and dragged out an empty chair, he stood on it and that got everyone's attention "what's going on Greg" Rachel laughed from down at her desk, Greg cleared his throat loudly "sorry for the distraction folks, but just wanted to let you all know that Mycroft Holmes is my Boyfriend and I love him more then you could ever know" he smiled and heard someone gasp (probably Rachel) "I'll have nothing bad ever said about him in my office" he said "now back to work" he jumped of the chair and landed with both feet before practically skipping out the room. "See you all tomorrow" he cheered and he didn't look back.

Mycroft was dismissed from Hospital after 2 months, returning home was hard for him as he didn't feel safe, he'd been shot in his own home and that thought would never go away. But Greg was always with him, without Greg Mycroft couldn't imagine what kind of state he'd be in. Greg spent so much time at Mycroft's house, the only time he left was to go to work, slowly his stuff crept in he kept more clothes in Mycroft's home then his own and it got to a point where he hadn't been in his apartment at all for about 3 weeks and one night they were both snuggling up together and watching TV when Mycroft said "move in with me" it took Greg a moment to register and he looked up at his boyfriend and smiled. "Thank you Mycroft" he said. "Thank you? Usually people say ok" Mycroft said and he laughed kindly at Greg. Greg stood up in front of Mycroft "I didn't realise I was trapped until I found you, without you I'd always be trapped and that thought scares me, so thank you Mycroft Holmes"

Greg moved in, in about the space of a week. They spent their days together, both the most happy they'd ever been. The days flashed by into months and then it was their one year anniversary, Mycroft got home from work and was met straight away by Greg standing in the corridor, wearing a dark blue suit Mycroft rushed towards him and gave him a hug "I'm so sorry I had to leave so early this morning" Greg tightly hugged him back "it's ok, it makes this feel even better" he smiled at Mycroft "cancel dinner" he said. Mycroft was taken back and stepped away from Greg "how did you know I'd booked dinner" "because I've been living with you for 10 months, I'm very observant now" he laughed and Mycroft laughed too "but it's a very fancy restaurant and I know you'll love it Greg" "I know and we'll go another night I promise but I have something way better planned" Mycroft smiled and was genuinely excited "what?" He grinned at Greg "you have to put this on" Greg said and he held up a blind fold and walked behind Mycroft and began tying it around Mycroft's head "do I have to put it on right now, we're still inside" Mycroft laughed "yes you do" Greg said. Then he held Mycroft's hand and Mycroft squeezed it back and began to walk "we're going into the house Greg" Mycroft said he was confused "we're going into the kitchen" he heard Greg laugh slightly "one sec" Greg said and he let go of Mycroft's hand "I'm just standing in the Kitchen" Mycroft laughed again, he felt Greg behind him unfolding his blind fold and it lightly fell off Mycroft's face.

There was a plate at each stool on the island, with a stack off waffles on each one and scrambled eggs placed on top and two mugs of tea to their side. Mycroft smiled and he felt a lump in his throat 'that's weird' he thought, he'd never wanted to cry from happiness before "oh Greg" he turned around to see Greg beaming at him "it's perfect" he hugged Greg again. Greg rushed round to the island to pull out Mycroft's stool out for him "you think so? I know it's not as fancy as the steak or lobster or whatever we were originally going to get, but this" Greg smiled "this is us" he sat down next to Mycroft, they ate there scrambled eggs and waffles and they fed some to each other and they even slurped their tea, which they both still found hilarious. Greg lent in and kissed Mycroft after pulling away he looked into the blue blue eyes and Mycroft looked into those dark dark eyes "I love you" they both said at the same time and laughed "I love you too" they said at the exact same time again and then they laughed. Greg suddenly sprang up and walked to the counter "what are you doing now" Mycroft smiled he heard Greg click a button and then their song began to play.
"Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me"
Greg dragged Mycroft up from his stool and Mycroft didn't resist, they stood in the middle of the kitchen and spun each other around and around smiling and singing the lyrics to each other.
"We were victims of the night
The chemical, physical, kryptonite
Helpless to the bass and the fading light
Oh we were bound to get together
Bound to get together
She took my arm
I don't know how it happened
We took the floor and she said
Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me
A backless dress and some beat up sneaks
My discotheque Juliet teenage dream
I felt it in my chest as she looked at me
I knew we were bound to be together
Bound to be..."
After the song finished Mycroft pulled Greg towards him into possibly the tightest hug ever "your my destiny" Mycroft said to Greg and Greg smiled knowing that's just what he had said to Mycroft.

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