1. Sirius Black~Arranged Marriage

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Sirius Black x reader (Arranged Marriage) part 1

Word Count: 1110

(Let's pretend like Sirius didn't run away from his home.)

Did you ever have those moments in your life where you had no choice? Like it was that and nothing else. So did I. For example, when I was still a little girl I dreamt of my wedding. I wanted to have the biggest and most beautiful wedding there ever would be. And the whole day would be about me and my wedding dress. Never thought about "  the prince on a white horse ". I guess I just liked the idea of a wedding. Never would came to my mind that I wouldn't have the right to choose a person with who I was supposed to spend the rest of my life. 

It was around Christmas break. My father invited the Blacks over for dinner, which wasn't unusual. In the last few months Blacks were regular guests at our house and we at theirs. It was a bit strange, even tho I knew them from a young age before we weren't so close. As I said the Black family came over for dinner like many times before. Orion joined my father in his office immediately as they stepped into a house. Walburga and my mother went in a garden on a walk and talk, leaving me with their sons, Sirius and Regulars. Sirius was in the same year as me 7th but not the same house. Unlike his brother which was a Slytherin just like me. There was an awkward silence between the three of us. Sirius looked like he didn't want to be here, which is probably true. Regulars was just standing next to his older brother, his head pointing to the floor.  

" Do you want to do something until dinner? " After some time I found the courage to say something. Sirius just ignored me as usual. 

" Can we? " Regulars asked, not knowing were we allowed to do anything without asking.

" Well, we can go into my room. " I suggested.

" The dinner will be soon, so there is no use. " Sirius said annoyed, by my suggestion.

" I think we have a few minutes. "

" I don't care. Let's just wait in the dining room. " Black brothers and I walked into a dining room. I didn't want to argue with Sirius as it would be a wasting time. Which I don't think anybody likes to do.

The whole time we just sat there. In silence. Mostly looking at the floor below us. The tension was rising, making me uncomfortable, even nervous. I started playing with my fingers out of my bordeom.

After about 10 minutes, my parents and Blacks joined us at the table. Regulars and I looked up at them. Sirius just continued to look at nothing. Maybe, thinking, couldn't really say.

The house-elves opened the doors of the room we were in, carrying prepared food. We soon had our plates in front of us. Orion and my father started eating first followed by others. Sirius was moody as on this occasions. Regulars just politely ate, so quietly that if I didn't saw him I wouldn't know.

My father and Orion started talking about their business, not paying attention to any of us. Until Orion, asked Sirius a question.

" Sirius, what do you plan on doing after Hogwarts? " Sirius looked up at him annoyed.

" I'm not sure yet. " He said.

" You mean, you have no plan on your future. " His mother pushed his temper.

" Why do you always have to talk about me? Don't you have something more interesting in your life to complain about than how your son is in Gryffindor? Does it matter that much to you? " Sirius snapped, standing up and yelling so loudly that some house-elves started to shake out of fear.

" Perhaps we should talk about future plans. Orion, would you like to announce the news? " My father spoke out of nowhere. What is he talking about?

" I was getting to it. Sirius and y/n... " What in Merlin's world is he saying? Why does his future involve me in it?

" Sirius and y/n, you will get married after you finish Hogwarts. " Orion announced to the whole table. My jaw dropped. Sirius looked confused.

" Is this some joke? It's not very funny. " Sirius tried to find a way this wasn't true.

"It's not a joke, Sirius. You are very unreasonable and don't think about your future, so we took things into our own hands. " His mother spoke sharply.

" And I don't have any say in this? " He asked angrily.

" Neither does she. " My father spoke up. I could believe it. Sirius and I. Married after Hogwarts.

" But we graduate in 6 months. " I finally said something.

" And thought does 6 months everything will be planned. " Orion added.

" Listen, Sirius, this isn't that bad. Y/n is a well-raised girl. From a good family. Pureblood family. I don't see what is the problem. " Walburga exilamed to her older son.

" The problem is that you are constantly controlling my life. I can't even have a choice of picking a person that I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with by myself. " He yelled once again. He ran out of the dining room. His father yelled after him, but he didn't bother.

" We would like to apologise for his behaviour. " Walburga apologized embarrassed.

" He will get used to it. " Orion added, before getting up. The Blacks got up from the table. Orion serious as always, Walburga was still ashamed of her son's behaviour and poor Regulars had to go home with them and listen to their argument, which will probably continue at home.

After they left and I went to my room and laid on my bed. I wish I said something while I had the chance. But again I don't think anything I  would say would change their mind. They probably want to have control over Sirius, and what better than putting him in a marriage with someone like me. Even if his parents did see him as a complete failure, this arranged marriage would still be in the plan.

I don't think Sirius is a bad guy. Yes, he is reckless and whatnot, but he seems nice I guess. The only things I knew about Sirius were the things I heard. I just hope, this turns better than expected.

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