2. Sirius Black~Arranged Marriage pt2

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Sirius Black x reader (Arranged Marriage) part 2

Word count: 637

It was New Years Eve. Around a week after the news, Blacks were going to visit us once again at the dinner.

I wanted to talk to my father about this whole thing, maybe there is a way to stop all this.

I knocked on the door of his office.
" Come in. " I heard his voice say.

He was sitting in his chair. Writing something on his papers. He looked at me and got up.

" I suppose this is about the wedding? " He asked.

" Yes, it is. Is there a way it can not happen? " I questioned more myself than him. Usually arranged marriages, when they are planned, there is no way out of one. You have no say in it.

" Of course not. " He frowned at me. " Don't take too much of it as a problem. Yes, Sirius isn't the best, but he is from a good family. And family is the only thing that matters. " He added.

" Sirius is not the problem. I don't want to marry someone I don't love as you and mother did. " I looked at him hopelessly.

" Marrying for love? " He chuckled.

" You will marry Sirius Black and that is final. I don't want to hear another word about it. " He yelled at me.

I ran away to my room. I dropped on my bed and started to cry. Yes, I'm weak, but I didn't want to marry someone because of where they come from or which family they are from.

I have to admit I like Sirius because he doesn't do what he is told and does what he wants to do. If only I could be like him.

I stayed there for some time. When a knock interrupted my thoughts.

To my surprise, Sirius walked in. I quickly started to rub my face with my hands so he wouldn't see my tears.

But it was too late he did saw them. As I looked at him and our eyes met, his face looked softer than usual. He wasn't his serious self. He looked worried. Or maybe it just seemed that way.

He walked towards my bed and sat at the edge of it. " Hi. " He spoke sadly.

" Hi. " I replayed to him. Sirius turned his face to look at me.

" Are you crying? " I sat up, he hesitated, but then put his hand on my back and rubbed it lightly. His touch felt friendly and nice. Welcoming even.

" This is a hard situation. I didn't want this to happen. Especially to you. Y/n, you don't deserve this. Being stuck in a marriage with anyone. How about being stuck in a marriage with me. But, I will promise you one thing y/n. " He stopped for a second and then continued.

" I will never hurt you. I will not pressure you or make you do what you don't want. I will keep my distance and whatever you are not comfortable with I will not push you into it. " His words were like a loving hug. Which I think we needed both.

That's when I hugged him. He was shocked at first but soon gave in. It felt like home. Warm and nice.

" I know Sirius. " We pulled apart. He held my face in his hands. With his thumbs, he removed few tears that were running down my face.

" I guess it's not going to be that bad. " I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. His words made me calm down.

" Let's go to our families before they think we ran away. " We chuckled and headed downstairs.

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