5. Draco Malfoy- Green with Jealousy

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Draco Malfoy x Reader (Green with Jealousy)

Word Count: 1466

In potions, professor Snape was talking about our next project. I glanced at Gryffindor, specifically at the Golden Trio. They were chatting with other Gryffindors, trying to stay quiet, unsuccessfully, making professor Snape annoyed. He glared at them, his eyes shooting looks at them.

"Mr Potter, Ms Granger and Mr Weasley, I think thought the years of you staying at Hogwarts, everyone is aware of your inability to stay quiet and listen, but that doesn't mean you have to pass it on to other students. " He spoke, slowly and strictly as always. The three Gryffindor gave him looks but didn't bother to say something back.

" Filthy Gryffindors. " I heard from my left side, Draco insult the Gryffindors, mostly two boys and a girl. He tensed up, fists clenching under the table. Draco and I have been dating for almost a year now. One thing that everyone knew about Draco is that he hates Gryffindors. Especially, the Chosen one, Harry Potter himself. I think it has to do something with jealousy. Before he started Hogwarts, his father was planning to make Draco the most popular and worshipped student in whole Hogwarts history. Draco was excited about all the attention he was going to get. How he will rule the school. Just for it all to be taken away by a famous Harry Potter. The rage he felt was bigger than the whole Wizarding World. It's still is.

" It's fine. Don't get so worked up about them, Draco. " I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him that is not a big deal. 

" You are right. They are not worth it. " Draco scoffed. His face softened when he looked away. 

It was time to assign potions partners for the project. Draco was assigned with Blaise Zabini, and I was assigned with Pansy. After the class was over I decided to head to the library. I had a free period so I figured out I would spend it preparing for a project. There was a free table with no one sitting around it, I take my books and place them on the table. 

Before I could open a book, a shadow was seen from the side. I looked up from a table expecting, Pansy or Draco, but instead meeting the green eyes of Harry Potter. He got closer to me with Hermione who quickly walked over to the shelves filled with books. 

" Hey, Y/n, right? " He asked me nervously. 

" Yes? " I asked him, opening my book then meeting his eyes once again. 

" I was wondering would you let me borrow your notes from potions. I asked Hermione, but she said she didn't copy all of them so...um would you- " He was rubbing his arm as if he was uneasy.

" Sure. Only if you give them back tomorrow. " I handed him my notes, he took them and smiled at me. 

" Of course. No problem. Thanks.  " Harry turned around walking over to his friend. Quickly after that, he and Hermione left the library.

I decided to do the same as there was nothing for me to do without my notes. 

Draco's POV

Blaise and I were heading to the common room. I saw how y/n wasn't with us. Assuming she was in the library I made my way to it. Expecting to see peaceful y/n reading a book or writing notes, I saw something I was surprised, better say disgusted to walk in on. Y/n was sitting at the table. But with Harry Potter standing in front of her. His back facing me. I wanted to go over there. Punch him in the face, but instead, I wanted to see what would happen. What did he want from my y/n? By the looks of it, she gave him some paper, probably secret messages. 

After their little conversation was over he speeds to his muggle friend and they left, him with a smirk on his dumb face. He took her. Everyone. With her. With his amateur charming skills, he took over the whole school, together with y/n. She stood up from her chair and started to approach me. I ran over to the common room not wanting to have any interaction with her. 

Y/n's POV

I walked into a common room. On a couch, Pansy and Blaise talked together with Theodore sitting next to the sofa on an armchair reading a book. Draco wasn't there.

" Did anyone see Draco? " I asked them.

" In his room. " Theo said not looking away from his book. Pansy and Blaise nodded. I walk over to the boys' dormitory.  I knocked on the door of Draco's room. 

" Uhm. " He hummed. I opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed. When he laid his eyes on me he looked annoyed. 

" Now you got bored of him ha? " He looked away from me. 

" Of who? " I looked at him confused. 

" Your green-eyed lizard who? " I was still confused. Who is he talking about?

" Don't play dumb with me you know bloody well I am talking about Harry. " He stood up from his bed pointing a finger at me. 

" What's with him? " He was having another temper tantrum. Such a child. A vein was popping on his forehead, followed by more of them.

" Giving him messages, thinking  I wouldn't notice. Well, you were wrong, I did notice. " He yelled at me. Most people would take his yelling seriously. Like a threat or something similar, but not me. Draco can sometimes be too sensitive and then starts acting out.

" Because I gave him my notes?  That's what made you so angry. Potions notes. That we wrote together. " As he realized what I was talking about, he started to feel embarrassed. His head dropped in his hands and he sat back on his bed. He stressfully rubbed his face with his hands. I sat next to him, rubbing his back gently. 

" Those were notes? " Draco asked me.

" Yes, notes. What did you think? Love letters? " He laughed at his stupid behaviour, nodding ashamed.

" I thought you liked him. " He blinked a few times.

" Liked him? Oh, Draco you jealous ferret. " I elbowed him lightly. 

" I wasn't jealous. " He denied, not believing in his words at all.

" No, you were green with jealousy. " I laughed, him doing the same.

" I am sorry about my behaviour. I will make it up to you. " Draco closed the space between our faces. He kissed me, softly. The kiss wasn't long.

" Will you forgive me? " He gave me his puppy eyes, and who could ever reject that face. 

" Does this answer you. " I leaned into him, giving him a kiss. Unlike the first one, this one lasted longer. And was rougher. And without knowing how it happened I was under him. He kissed my neck, tangling his fingers in my hair, slightly pulling on it. My hands were around his neck, pulling him closer. He started making bruises. 

" That Pottah, will not come closer to you ever again. " He whispered while biting my skin, sweet moans escaping my mouth. 

" See those. " He pointed at the freshly made hickeys. "These little circles, my dear y/n are a sign to him and all the others who want you to know that they can't have you. Ever. " He kissed each one off them, before making more.

" And why is that? " I teased him, knowing full well why, but wanted to hear it come out of his mouth. 

" Because you are mine. Only mine. " Draco stopped from attacking my neck, and kissed me once again, roughly with passion. 

" Um, can I get my cloak? " Blaise knocked on the door. 

" No. " Draco replied shortly, returning to our kiss. 

" But I need it. " I gave Draco a look to let him in, assuming it wouldn't take too long. 

" Fine. " Blaise opened the door covering his eyes as Draco got off me. 

" Oh, thank God you aren't naked. " He walked over to his bed taking his cloak.

" Now out. " Draco order, shooing him away.

" Alright, Mr Possessive. " Blaise rolled his eyes at him. 

" What did you just say? " Draco asked him, not wanting to keep him in the room. 

" YoU aRe MiNe! " Blaise jokingly growled. Draco stood up and took after him as Blaise made a run for it. 

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