it's kitten time

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     After Ricky came down with the puppy he said he was going to take me somewhere. I followed him to the car and we ended up driving a really long way until we got to a place that had a lot of dogs outside.

   We walked in and Ricky told me to close my eyes so I did. He came back out and told me

"Stick ur hands out infront of you"

I did as told and then Ricky placed something soft in my hands I opened my eyes and there was a little gray kitten in my hands.

     I was in rickys car while he filled out the adoption papers. I felt kinda bad that he got all of this stuff for me. I mean a puppy a new phone a kitten I didn't deserve all of this.

    Ricky got back in the car and began to drive me to his house. It was silent not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. Then ricky pulled up into his driveway.

  We walked in the house the kitten in my hands. When we opened the door everyone had an shocked expression on their faces. At first I thought it was the kitten but then jc blurted out

   "Shelby was in an accident."

  I looked at Ricky and you could see the tears in his eyes. I felt bad and I don't even know who this Shelby person is.

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