oh no what have i done

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Hey guys sorry i havent been updating lots of stuff had been going on but im back yay so here it is

Chapter 7
Ricky ran out. I have no idea what to do. Do i go outside, do i stay inside, what do i do. You know what im gonna go outside and comfort him. I ran outside and looked în every direction. I saw him standing by the side of the car just looking at the window. I walked quietly, or tried to but I didnt make it two steps before he turned around and saw me.
I kept walking until i was right infront of him. I started to try and think of what to say. I got it. " Ricky im sooooo sorry about shelby is there anything i can do to help." He just kept looking at the window completly ignoring me. Now i can take people yelling at me and trying to start fights, but the one thing i cant stand is when people ignore me. I just lost it " look you can choose to be mad at me or ignore me i tried to help you and you ignore me serves me right for trying to be nice." I huffed out out of breath by the time i was done yelling. I know it is probably really rude if me to yell at him while he is upset but I have had anger issues since i was seven and I usally can keep them under control but when people ignore me i just cant take it sometimes.

Ricky's p.o.v
Did she just yell at me. There is no way she just yelled at me. Oh crap i forgot that she doesnt like when people ignore her. Now ive got to apoligize. "Scarlett wait I'm sorry I shouldnt have ignored you I forgot how mad it makes you will you please forgive me." I sound like a wimp but I don't want her to be mad at me.

She chuckled slightly and just smiled so I took that as a yes. We walked back to the hospital hand in hand in a comfortable silence. When we walked in they were all staring at me and I blushed sheepishly And let go of scarletts hand. She looked kind of sad but covered it up with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

Scarletts p.o.v
He let go of my hand and I was a little sad but he had a girlfriend so I understand. The doctor came out again and said that Shelby will live and that she should be awake tommorow and that we could go home and come back tommorow. We all piled into the car and went home hopefully everything will be alright and Shelby will be okay.

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