from bad to worse

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Not proof read point out my mistakes

Conner burst through the door like he was running for his life. He started stuttering "I.I.I.I sorry didn't mean t-to interrupt but scarrlet your phone is ringing.

I had just realized that conner was holding my phone and it was making a loud and annoying sound.

Ricky's p.o.v

Her phone was ringing but who could be calling her. She just got that phone and the only people who know her number are in this house so who could have been calling her??

Scarrlet's p.o.v
I slowly took the phone from conner and answered it.

" hello"

" you better watch your back deary I'm coming for you." Said a creepy voice like the ones in the scary movies when the people are possessed but worse.

"Who i-is th-this." I managed to stutter out.

It sounded like they were gonna answer but the line went dead.

I was scared so without thinking I dropped the phone on the floor and just stood there in complete shock. I have no enemies that I know of.

2 days later //////////////////

Scarrlets p.o.v

I haven't slept or ate anything in days. I haven't even left my room. I didn't talk to anyone except Ricky he was the only one I could talk to. I don't know why but I felt safe around him almost like I was drawn to him is some way that I couldn't understand.

I had finally gotten up and taken a shower and I asked Ricky if I could get some cloths today so he agreed and we went to the mall.

"Ricky which store do you want to go in first hot topic, forever 21, rue 21, or areopostale.

He looked like he was thinking and then he said

" let's go to hot topic then rue 21 then forever 21 after that aeropostale then we can go to journeys and get you some vans and we chuck Taylors.

I was shocked that he would let me go to journeys I heard that place was expensive. I told Ricky we didn't have to but he insisted.

3 hours later///////////////////////////

I am so tired of walking we went to like a thousand stores note the sarcasm. We were on our way home and when we got there the boys were out somewhere I guess and there was a single black rose with red swirls in it one the floor with a note taped to it. I picked up the note and read it aloud

" I hope you like the rose I picked it out special for you



Oh hell nah parden my French but Alexander was a demon and I mean and actual demon he has stalked me most of my life but I didn't pay attention to it because he seemed harmless but now he is calling me and leaving me notes this has got to stop.

A/n: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry it short but I will write an extra long chapter if I get at least 200 reads but anyway I was thinking about making this a werewolf book let me know what you guys think I should do.

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