One word prompts: Impact

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A/N: This is an AU from Eric's POV. He still works at his dad's grocery store as an adult, but as a cashier rather than a bagger (Or whatever it's called). 


Do you ever wonder how you affect the lives of strangers? 

It was a normal Monday afternoon, the store was playing some crappy radio station, and every line was filled with people buying their food for the week. Then came her. The same girl who comes in at the same time every week, and buys corn or seeds, random things like that. This week, it was canned corn.

"Will you be needing a bag today, ma'am?", I ask, smiling, as I ring up the can, setting it down on the counter, where the new guy stands, with a bag in hand.

"No thank you, how much do I owe you?"

"That'll be 3.42 ma'am, do you have a rewards card?" 


"Alright, would you like to set one up?"

"No thank you, I'm in a hurry"

"Alright ma'am, do you need your receipt?"

"No, thank you."

"Alright, have a nice day!"

"You too."


What had been a normal day quickly went south when the cops showed up. Now, I've never really had a problem with the police, but my kid brother and his best friend have had enough run-ins with them that I recognize the cop as Officer Jack Hunter. He first talks to Judy at the Customer Service desk, who points over to me, before walking up to me, effectively halting the line in its tracks. 

"Why do you always seem to find yourself near trouble, Matthews?"

"I-I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?"

"I just have a few questions to ask you about a woman who came in here earlier."

"Oh, alright, can I finish my shift first? There's quite a line."

"Oh-uh, sure."

"Thank you, officer. So, will that be cash or credit, sir?"


"What can you tell me about Jaqueline Juarez?"


"The young woman who came in here earlier today, about 5'4", brunette, shoulder-length hair. She comes in every week."

"Oh, her! We always call her Bird Girl. She comes in, buys seeds, corn, random things like that, and she's always wearing the same black sweatshirt, covered in feathers. That's all I really know about her, she's not very talkative. What is it she did?"

"It's confidential. Does she have a rewards card with the store?"

"No, but she doesn't really need one, her purchases are never over 10$."

"Alright, can you give me a list of her purchases, as far as you can remember?"

"Well, today she bought canned corn, last week it was popcorn kernels, the unbuttered kind, can't imagine why anyone'd want that. Um, maybe birdseed the week before that? I know she bought a wheel of tickets one week, a Happy Birthday balloon at some point, but other than that, I'm not sure."

"A wheel of tickets? Do you know the color and brand?"

"Red, I don't know the brand, but I can find it for you if you'll meet at Chubbie's tomorrow. So I can bring it to you, of course. "

"Oh, I- Um, sure. What time?"

"I get off at twelve tomorrow, so let's say twelve-thirty?"

"Sure, see you then, Matthews."

And that's the story of how canned corn got me laid. 

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