I don't know what the fuck this is

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Fucking woah dude
Haha brain go m u s h
Sex is wow
Sex with not a woman
Sex with not a woman is wow
I can't even think straight anymore
That's probably good
I guess I'm gay
I'm probably gay
Oh, oh, I'm very fucking gay
I don't think I should ever drink alcohol again
Then again, if it gets me this.....
What is this?
I don't even know this guy's name
Is that a good thing?
Fuck, I really killed that little high
I do see why people do this
It's a completely different sensation
I mean, obviously, it's completely different

But I didn't know you could finish without ever once touching your dick.

It's so weird how much I learn when I'm drunk.
I don't think I am anymore, not really as much.
I don't think that was drunkenness,
I don't know what that was.


I want to try this again

Who knew getting something repeatedly shoved up your ass could be so ducking amazing?

A/N: I have no idea what the fuck this is, but it is two am and I am not asking many questions because questions are for people who have brain functions.

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