access to disney world

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"Please, please, please, please-"



Y/N was down on her knees, hands gripping at Clay's shirt as he sat on the couch. Anyone who would've seen the situation would have thought the worst, but that was far from what was happening.

"I'm not going to hang around your boyfriend and his best friend. I am most certainly NOT acting like we're going to get along either!" Clay yelled back, crossing his arms in defiance.

"I already told them you three would join us!" The girl whined and stood up, now towering over him. He glared as he noticed what she did, standing and backing her against the nearest wall.

"I'm. Not. Going."

"Why not?" George interrupted after looking up from his phone, thoroughly amused by the scene playing out for him.

"Because we're busy!" Clay got flustered, not expecting his own best friend to betray him.

"What are we doing, Clay?" Nick piped up as he entered the room, random can of alcohol in hand.

"Well- I was- well-"

"Convenience store it is!" The shortest teen squealed and jumped, excitement flowing through her.

"Convenience store? I don't really do junk food and slushies," Nick chuckled a bit.

"You guys can't back out!" Y/N pouted after looking up from her phone.

"It can't be that bad," George shrugged and Nick nodded. Clay's jaw was dropped, cheeks red as he was still angry.

"Now, get into my car, dummies. We're gonna be late. I have to swing by and pick up Karl and Alex," Y/N quipped and left the house, getting into her car.

"So that's why she's wearing sweats and a hoodie..." Nick mused.

"And why she called us over at fucking twelve at night!" Clay growled before crossing his arms like a toddler and making his way out to the car.

"What could go wrong? It's just a trip to the corner store," George grinned and joined the rest of his friends in the vehicle.

The way to Karl's was quick, Y/N blasting obnoxiously loud rap while screaming the lyrics. George and Nick joined in with her screaming while Clay continuously got ignored whenever requesting a Taylor Swift song.

"No one wants to cry about a break up before lifting alcohol, Clayton. Get upbeat!" The girl shouted as she pulled up in front of Karl's and honked the horn loudly.

Clambering out of the house was Alex and Karl, stupid smiles on their faces as they climbed into the back. Nick was swiftly kicked to the back once Karl was close enough, sitting beside his girlfriend.

"You excited, baby?" The brunet asked with a grin.

"Fucking stoked!" Y/N replied.

"What year is it for you?" Alex cringed slightly at the dated slang.

"I'll kick you out right now, don't test me," Y/N glared through the rear view mirror playfully.

The drive was entertaining yet once again loud, Y/N screaming rap lyrics while George and Nick joined, Karl humming quietly as Clay and Alex begged to play Taylor Swift.

"All Swifties to the back, I repeat, all Swifties to the back!" Nick had hollered which earned heavy-handed punches from Clay.

An entire rap concert later, the car pulled into a small parking lot, the teens clambering out of the vehicle and rushing to push the doors open of the storefront. The group decided that driving out of town to find a place to steal drinks from would be best, not wanting to risk Karl and Alex's job.

As George and Nick worked bottles of alcohol into a backpack, Y/N leaned against the marble to speak to the man behind the counter, zipping her hoodie down a bit to show off her chest proudly.

"-And that's how I convinced Daddy to give me more money. I could con him out of anything as long as I ask nice enough," the teen giggled and pushed her chest upwards more, an innocent grin splayed across her lips.

"What if I asked you nicely for somethin'? What would you say then, slut?" The man smirked and let his hand rest against the girl's jaw, a sinister chuckle bubbling from his throat.

The jingle of the door opening dragged the teen's gaze over, noticing the boys had left and gave her a thumbs up to let her know they were clear. As she turned her attention back to the worker, she placed a soft kiss to his palm and laughed, pulling away before zipping up her hoodie once more.

"If you asked nicely for me to suck you off, I would laugh at you. Buh-bye, mister!"

Skipping out of the store and into the arms of Karl, the boys cheered and laughed while showing off what they obtained, everyone piling back into the car.

"God, Y/N, what can't your tits grant us?" Nick asked jokingly, popping chocolate into his mouth.

"Access to Disney World?" Alex stepped in with a quirked brow before earning shared laughter between everyone.

As Y/N drove, the entire ride was documented on Snapchat, mostly a series of videos of the six playing The Penis Game, windows rolled down. People taking a late night stroll gave weird looks to the car full of teens, eyes rolling at their shenanigans.

"Alcohol brings a crowd together, don't it, Clay?" Y/N chuckled and made eye connect through the mirror, watching the blond roll his eyes.

"I think it's your tits," George snickered after downing a beer.

"Oh, her tits can bring a lot together," Karl laughed before leaning over to steal a kiss from said girl.

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