players' pet

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Y/N's heels clacked and clicked as she strutted down the hall on a bright Monday morning, three new students following behind her silently. The skirt she wore swished this way and that as her manicured nail pointed to different rooms and hallways, detailing the different properties to the new kids.

No one ever showed up to school this early, but Y/N was personally asked by her principal to set a good example for the new rich kids in town. Clay, Nick and George kept their eyes on the girl's back, making little comments every so often about the school all while remaining respectful.

"And here is the Phys-Ed. hall! Outside the coaches' office is where you'll find signups for tryouts of all sports. You'll usually hear dates for tryouts and stuff during the morning announcements. That completes our tour; any questions, boys?" Y/N turned to face them finally, a bright smile tugging at her lips.

"Uh, yeah, are all the cheerleaders as hot as you?" Clay inquired with a smirk, deep green eyes raking over her with interest sparkling behind them.

"Oh, I'm not a cheerleader," she laughed the comment off, hugging the clipboard she held closer to her chest.

"Well are you on one of the girls' teams? I'd love to watch your games," Nick piped up, equally intrigued.

"Our school doesn't have teams for girls anymore. They did the year before I became a freshman— speaking of freshman, you're not, right?"

"No, we're seniors. All of us," George grinned lazily, not as forward as his best friends.

"Good to hear! I'm always happy to see fresh faces that'll graduate with us at the end of this year," the girl exclaimed before writing a few notes down on the paper attached to her clipboard.

"Do you know anything about sports?" George asked softly, genuinely interested.

"Hell yeah. My dad watches the NBA and NFL nonstop," Y/N giggled.

"No football- I mean soccer?" George corrected himself with a little but was spoken over by his very excitable friend.

"That's great because Clay here plays football and I play basketball! I'm sure we'll see you at some of our games," Nick pressed on, leaning forward a little.

"We'll see, boys. I'm not one for school spirit," Y/N chuckled and went to walk away, only being stopped by George's accented voice.

"You should be the team manager if you know so much! You could probably give the coaches a helping hand!" George called out, hoping to sway the girl's decision.

"I'll sit on it," Y/N quipped, heading to her first class as the bell rang.

"What else does she sit on?" Nick snickered, earning a laugh from Clay and a glare from George, the Brit's cheeks still turning red even with his disapproval.

The entire week, Y/N was pestered at school until George noticed what house she walked into Thursday afternoon, accidentally telling Nick and Clay who forced him to show them. The trio ended up outside the door begging for Y/N to give them her verdict.

"Alright, fine! But I'm only becoming manager for one of the teams, not all three. I'm not that into football and they already have an assistant coach, so me helping is pointless. I only played soccer as a child and I didn't even understand the rules back then, so that's a no. Basketball it is then!" The girl laughed at Nick's boasting as he screamed at Clay.

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