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Third Person's POV

12-year-old boy woke up in the middle of the night, hearing something downstairs. He grabbed his bat and walked downstairs. He walked into the kitchen and lowered his bat, seeing it was just his mother.

"Mother." He said. She turned to him and closed the fridge. "What are you..." He walked over to her. "I thought you were a burglar."

"I didn't mean to scare you, darling." She said. "I was just getting a snack. Go back to bed." He just stood there and stared at her. "What's a matter? Go on, back to bed. I'll make you a hot chocolate."

"Who are you?" The boy asked. He glanced up at the picture of him and his mother, before turning back to the imposter. "And what have you done with my mother?" She didn't answer. "My mother has never set foot in this kitchen in her life." Hearing the boy's voice in her head made her back up in fear. He just kept walking towards her. "And she certainly never made me a hot chocolate, unless you count ordering the maid to do it." Suddenly, the woman turned into a blue little girl with red hair. The boy smiled at her.

"You're not...scared of me?" She asked.

"I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world." He said. "The only person who was...different. And here you are. Charles Xavier." He held his hand out to her. She slowly took it.

"Raven." She said, shaking his hand.

"You're hungry and alone." He said. She nodded. "Take whatever you want. We've got lots of food. You don't have to steal. In fact, you never have to steal again." She smiled, chuckling in happiness.

"Charlie?" They heard a small voice call. Raven got scared.

"It's okay." Charles said. "It's okay. It's just my little sister. We share a room, so she gets scared if I'm gone when she wakes up. Would you like to meet her?"

"What if she doesn't like me?" Raven asked.

"She's like you." He said. "Trust me. She's likes everyone." They walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "She's a little shy at first, but she'll warm up to you eventually." They walked to Charles' room. He opened the door and they saw a 1-year-old girl sitting there. "It's okay, Millie. I'm here. And I brought a friend too." They walked over to the little girl's bed. She stared at Raven. "This is Raven. Raven, this is my little sister Emilia."

"Hi." Raven said. The little girl looked at her teddy bear, then sat up. She reached out and held the teddy bear out to Raven. Raven slowly took it.

"That's her bear." Charles said. "She calls him Mr. Ted."

"Ted!" Emilia said, pointing at it. Raven smiled and held it out for the little girl to take. Emilia shook her head.

"She wants you to have it for tonight." Charles said. Raven looked at Charles, confused. "When someone new stays here for the night, Emilia gives them her bear, so they won't be scared to be alone." Emilia smiled at Raven. Raven smiled back. And that's how the Xavier siblings became the golden trio. 

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