~Chapter 4: Practice Makes Perfect~

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Emilia's POV

I was sitting between Raven and Hank on the concrete bench. I can't believe he's gone.

"Raven!" I heard Charles call. "Millie!" I looked up to see him running over. Raven and I stood up. He ran over and hugged us. We pulled away and he looked at the others. "We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately."

"We're not going home." Banshee said.

"What?" Charles asked.

"He's not going back to prison." Banshee said, looking at Alex then Charles.

"He killed Darwin." Alex said.

"All the more reason for you to leave." Charles said. "This is over."

"Darwin's dead, Charles." Raven said. "And we can't even bury him."

"We can avenge him." Erik said, causing everyone to look at him. 

"Erik, a word, please

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"Erik, a word, please." Charles said, and they walked a few feet away from us. They talked for a few seconds before Charles turned back to us. "We'll have to train. All of us. Yes?"

"Yeah." Alex said.

"Well, we can't stay here." Hank said. "Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe. We've got nowhere to go."

"Yes, we do." Charles said.

(Time Skip)

We all looked at my childhood home.

"This is yours?" Banshee asked.

"No, it's ours." Charles said.

"Honestly, Charles, Emilia, I don't know how you two survived, living in such hardship." Erik said.

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me." Raven said, walking up and standing beside Charles. Charles kissed the side of her head. "Come on. Time for the tour." We all walked to the house.

(Time Skip)

We all were training every day. Today, we decided to watch Banshee train with something new that Hank created. Me, Raven, Erik, and Alex were watching out one window, while Hank, Charles and Banshee were at the other.

"Now, remember, scream as hard as you can." Charles said.

"You need the soundwaves to be supersonic." Hank explained. "Catch them at the right angle, and the wind should carry you."

"The wind should carry me." Banshee repeated and scoffed. "That's reassuring."

"Good luck." Charles said, patting his shoulder. "And don't forget to scream." Banshee made the cross sign with his finger and got ready. He put his arms out. He dropped and screamed to late because he fell into the bushes.

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