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It was dark at night. All of the animals had settled down for the night. You could hear were the sounds of crickets chirping. But the rest of the forest was quiet. A little too quiet.

Suddenly, someone running through the forest, woke up all the animals. The squirrels, the deer, and the owls all watched as a girl ran through the forest. It seemed like she was the only one person who was there, but as soon as she was out of sight, more humans chased after her. All the animals felt a sudden emotion. Fear.

The girl looked back and saw the people chasing after her. They pointed their guns at her and shot, but missed. She pointed her hand out behind her and suddenly, a tiger appeared out of thin air and jumped at the humans, knocking them down. She continued to run forward, as fast as she could to get away from the men.

Meanwhile, driving down the road, a man was driving his RV to destination unknown to himself. He was a drifter. A lone wolf. Just drove to wherever the road took him. He looked down at his map, and realized that this wasn't the road he was supposed to take. He reached over and picked up the map. Where the hell was he? He looked up at the road just as someone backed out onto the road in front of him.

"F*CK!" He shouted and slammed down on the break.

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