~Chapter 5: The Definition of Beautiful~

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Emilia's POV

We were sitting in the living room, eating pizza while the others stood behind us. We all watched the tv.

"It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile crossing the embargo line that surrounds Cuba as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union." President JFK said.

"That's where we're gonna find Shaw." Erik said.

"How do you know?" Alex asked.

"Two superpowers facing off, and he wants to start World War 3." Charles said. "He won't leave anything to chance."

"So much for diplomacy." Erik said. "I suggest you all get a good night's sleep." He walked out.

(Time Skip)

I was sitting on my bed, in my room, reading a book when Hank walked in. He closed the door behind him. He started pacing back and forth.

"Hank?" I asked. He didn't answer. I closed my book. "Hank, what's wrong?"

"I finally found it." He said, stopping. I put my book on the nightstand and got off the bed. I walked over to him.

"Found what?" I asked.

"This." He said, holding up a needle filled with something.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's the cure." He said. "It can make me look normal. Finally, I can look like everyone else."

"Why?" I asked. "Why would you wanna look like everyone else? Hank, you're perfect just the way you are. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Including you."

"I'm not beautiful." He said. "No matter what, my feet will never be deemed as beautiful. You're the beautiful one, Emilia. Not me." I was flattered but sad at the same time. 


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"Hank." I said, putting my hands on his arms. "Don't do this. You're beautiful to me."

"You can say that." He said. "You're normal. You don't have to hide."

"You might think that, but I do." I said. "You think you're the only one who was made fun of because of what you look like? I was bullied every day in school by this one girl and her friends because she didn't like me. She used to say I was ugly and didn't deserve to live. I used to believe that too. I thought I was a freak after I got my powers, but Charles and Raven showed me that I'm not alone. That everyone is a little freaky sometimes. So, please, Hank. Don't do it." He backed away from me.

"I'm sorry, Emilia." He said. "But I can't live like this anymore." He opened the door and walked out. I didn't know what to do. Either I go after him or I give him space. So, I just stayed put. Hank was hurting and he didn't want help. So, the best thing I thought I could do for him is give him space.

(Time Skip)

We walked to the lab and saw the doors were shut and they had a note on them. It said:

Gone to the airbase, bring the crate marked X.


Charles took it off and opened the doors. The lab was trashed. We walked in.

"What the hell happened here?" Erik asked. Charles walked over to a box and opened it. I felt myself step on something. I looked down and took my foot off it. I kneeled down and saw it was the needle Hank was going to use. It was empty, only meaning one thing.

"Oh, Hank." I said, sad. I stood up and we all walked over to Charles. We all looked into the box and saw flight suits.

"Hank has been busy." Erik said, glancing at me for two seconds.

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex asked.

"As none of us have mutated to endure extreme g-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up." Charles said and closed the box. 

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