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Up early early because I have to be in the car at 1am and not going to sleep... Don't like this quote as much as others.

Happy Reading.

Renegade peered out of the corn field to the high tech green houses before him. The rest of them falling in beside him. They glanced at one another before running off to their predetermined destinations. Renegade had three greenhouses furtherest from the drop point. The mission was easy, get in, set the charges, get out. When they were a safe distance away, set off a fire alarm, wait five minutes than blow the places sky high.

Or it was suppose to be simple. They all made it back to the meet point at the bio ship, just our of range. Wait for Sparks to get back. That's when Ren saw their complication touch down a mile out into the corn fields. He stood trying to get a better look.

"Ren?" M'gann asked, "Is something wrong?"

"How far out is Sparks?"

"Here." Called out the speedster, "What's up?"

"The Jr Justice League got it into there heads that they're going to try and be covert. They're trying to see what the Reach and Lex are doing with the plants." Ren moved the Bio Ship towards the black jet, "We need to deter them. So the bombs can go off."

Kaldur looked out of the ship, "How do you suggest we do that?"

"We fight them." Ren jumped out of the hole in the floor.

"I hate it when he does this shit!" Wally grumbled jumping out after Ren.

~   ~   ~

Garth held up his hand, halting everyone just on the edge of the corn field, "Robin-"

"I don't think you should be here."

They all turned their gazes to see what Garth had been dreading. Renegade stood looking at them all. Standing beside him was the other side of the coin, Sparks, smirking at them. Behind the two was the rest of the problem.

"Renegade," Garth snarled, "Damn it."

"I suggest you leave now. We don't want a fight." Tempus told them pointedly.

Garth glared at Kaldur, "No way are we-"

"Were's Robin?" Renegade asked, looking all around. 

Ren counted them all again. Robin was missing. Realization hit Renegade's face before a look of fear danced across his eyes. The leader of the feared Chaos turned and ran inside. Garth and the rest all started to dash after only for the rest of Chaos to block their path.

~   ~   ~

Ren rushed through the nearest building. God damn Bats and their god damned training. He saw Robin in the underground lap sneaking up to grab a sample of the additive. Ren snuck up behind the boy, reaching out and clamping a hand around Robin's mouth. Robin jumped starting to struggle instantly but Renegade had a firm grip. 

"Tim, listen to me vary carefully." Renegade whispered.

Robin went instantly still.

"If I let go will you be quite?"

Robin nodded. Renegade let him go. Robin spun around glaring at him backing up a few steps and looked to the Reach researchers.

"Now we are getting out of here now." Renegade growled glanced around, "Now."

Tim shook his head, "No."

"This place is rigged to blow. Now shut up and deal with it." Renegade grabbed his shoulder and started dragging him along. Robin dug his feet in for about three dragging steps before what Ren said made it to his brain. 'The place was rigged to blow'. BOMB!

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