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"When killing a monster 
you must remember,
what makes a monster."

!Trigger Warning!

Ren walked into the Batcave with a solum frown. Glancing at the ruined cave. Turning way back into a branch of tunnel, Ren made his way to the Medical side of the Cave. Bruce was in a flat bed on the far side of the room, Clark sitting at his side talking.

"Renegade. You're here." Bruce called without turning his head.

Clark immediately stood blocking Bruce.

Ren ignored him, "You called. A rare occurrence. What do you need?"

Clark glared at him.

Bruce sighed, "Clark I would like to talk with Renegade, alone please."

"But Bruce-"

"Please Clark."

Clark nodded, glaring one last time at Renegade before leaving. Shutting the door behind him.

"You know he'll still hear." Ren sat in the now open seat, "How are you?"

"You care?"

"Much to your displeasure, I do have some sense of kindness. I'm not evil or psychotic."

"That's debatable, but not why I called. Tim is taking things hard."

"I would expect so." Ren growled, "He went through something he never should have even imagined."

Bruce sighed, "You can see my condition. I can't help. I want to help but I'm... useless. Tim can't even look at the grandfather clock without flashbacks. Coming down here is out of the question. Between the two of us, Alfred is getting run ragged."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to take in Tim. Help Tim. Bring him to Chaos."

Ren stared at the old man, "Ok, I'll be right back with Alfred. We'll have to do another scan of your head. I think there is some residual damage."

Bruce chuckled darkly, "I'm in my sane mind, Renegade. I can't take care of Tim. I'm asking you to help."

"Why not the League?"

"Do you really think Tim wants the League and Team to find out about this? You know what's happening. You've gone through it. Don't even try to deny it. I saw the signs long ago. Help Tim through this, please."

Ren looked at the wall, "Fine. Did you talk to Tim about this at all?"

"I thought you could do that. Get him packed and out of here while I talk with the League. They've been talking about this behind my back for weeks."

"Alright. I'll let the boy scout back in. See you when you're back on your feet."

"I owe you Renegade. I owe you more than I can ever give."

~    ~    ~

Tim stared out of the window at the back garden. It was raining out. It reflected his internal feelings at the moment. All of it just tossing and turning, pounding on glass as hard as it could but it did no good. Alfred had come and gone, asking questions that got no response. Food had turned cold long ago.

Someone knocked on the door. Tim didn't call out nor did he turn when the door opened. The foot falls were near silent, as if the person was used to being silent but was trying not to be this time. The cushion next to him sank as Renegade sat down.

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