Chapter 17

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I spent the next three days wandering around my house in a daze. I wasn't sure exactly how to feel about Tessa, Dex, Elliot, any of it. My mind was reeling, I tried to turn it off but sleeping eluded me. I ended up calling Garrett over one afternoon for hot chocolate. I decided not to tell him the reason for my invitation until he arrived, I didn't want to give him the chance to rehearse his responses. He showed up just after lunch, we sat down in my living room with Finn playing on the floor.

"Are you excited for Christmas, Bree?" Garrett asked me. I nodded, "KInd of. It is Finn's first Christmas so that is exciting. Though he's only two months old so I think it will be a bit lost on him I think."

He laughed and nodded, sipping his hot chocolate. I adjusted myself in my chair and glanced down at my son. He was happily rolling around with his soft blocks on a blanket. I smiled softly. Garrett cleared his throat, "So, what's up Bree? I can tell you are thinking about something."

I glared at him and sighed, "I found out some interesting news a few days ago. I wanted to talk to you about it." Garrett stared at me, he frowned at my tone. I continued, "A girl named Tessa contacted the Leys' family, she has a young son, about a month older than Finn. I was wondering if you know anything about it?"

He sighed and nodded, "Tessa, yeah I know about Tessa. I'm pretty sure you also know who Tessa is." I raised my eyebrows, "I want to hear it from you who she is, Garrett. You knew Dex better than anyone. You were his best friend. So tell me his side."

Garrett closed his eyes for a moment and stood up. He walked around my living room with his hands in his pockets. I waited for him to speak, sipping my hot chocolate. I tried to keep myself calm and steady, I tried to remember it wasn't Garrett's fault, he was just the messenger.

"Alright, I'll tell you but you have to let me finish once i start alright?" he asked. I nodded without saying a word. He took a deep breath before speaking, "So, as you know Dex was very charming. He was an all star, he was handsome and funny. Girls loved him, and guys wanted to learn from him. Dex was cocky of course, but he was like a brother to me all the same. He made some choices along the way that weren't very good."

He took a sip of his drink before he continued walking around. I picked up Finn when he started to fuss from his spot on the floor. I went to the kitchen and prepared him an applesauce snack and some milk. Garrett followed me awkwardly, "Dex was in love with you from the time we turned about thirteen. He wanted you to be his girlfriend. He chased you because no other girl gave him a challenge and Dex loved a challenge." I sighed and shook my head as I fed Finn with a spoon. He swallowed the applesauce and smiled at me. I whispered sweetly to my son, "Yumm yumm."

"Dex was also an asshole. He was a bit of a player before you started dating him. Though he didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone else, he still wanted to play with other girls. At first, it was just a game to see how many numbers he could get or how many nudes they would send him. Then it escalated into something else. I'm sorry to say, but Tessa wasn't the first one. Dex hooked up with five girls while you two were together. All of them were one-time things, he didn't want anything more than a quick... well you know." Garrett went on.

I wiped off Finn's face and took him into his room to change his diaper and put him down for a nap. I kissed his face before he closed his eyes. I turned to see that Garrett followed me, "So, he had a few flings along the way. Tessa was one of those flings. The girls were from different towns, wherever we had games. Dex didn't want you to get hurt so he made sure they all knew it wasn't for anything more than one night. He swore them to secrecy."

I scoffed, I couldn't stop myself. I ushered him out of the room and back to the kitchen. I made us fresh hot chocolate as Garrett continued, "By the time Tessa found out she was pregnant Dex was already gone. He never wanted you to find out about any of them. I know it sounds stupid, but he loved you more then anything. He just had some wild oats to sew."

"Wild oats? Are you serious?" I hissed. Garrett took a step back and sighed, "I know it's not the greatest expression but it's the best way I can describe how he was. It would hurt him so much to know that you found all this out. He never wanted to hurt you, I know that is a fact. He loved you so much Bree, he wasn't perfect but he loved you more than anything."

I shook my head and handed him his mug. I leaned back against my kitchen counter and sipped down the hot chocolate. I wiped my eyes of a few tears and looked up at Garrett, "Go on." He frowned at me, "What do you mean? That was it."

"No it's not. Who were these girls. I must know some of them. Did they all know about me?" I demanded. Garrett sighed and looked down, "What good will that do, Bree? Do you think knowing them will actually help?"

I shrugged, "Just tell me who they were, Garrett. I want to know how long people in this town have been laughing at me behind my back. How long have they known about what a fool I am." I felt my eyes well up with tears as I turned my back to him. I knew it wasn't fair to lash out at Garrett, but I felt such betrayal that something this big was kept from me. I felt stupid for idolising my dead boyfriend, for trusting him unconditionally, for letting myself love him so much. It all felt like a lie.

"One girl was from Martinsville, she didn't know you and you don't know her. One was from Elrose, her name was Lana. One was from Moose Jaw, you wouldn't know her either." he finally told me.

That was only four, including Tessa. Garrett had told me there were five. I cleared my throat and whispered, "And number five?" He sighed, "Bree, just let it go. I don't think it will help you to heal."

I spun around, I frowned at him, "Garrett, who is number five?" He stared at me, his hands stuffed into his pockets again. He shook his head and turned toward the door. As Garrett put his boots on he told me, "I'm sorry Bree, but I'm not going to hurt you further. I'll give you some time, if you still want to talk in a couple of days then I'll come back."

Before I could say anything he left quickly out my front door. As the door clicked behind him, I felt my tears fall down my cheeks. Why wouldn't he tell me who the last girl was? Did I know her? How could the heartache possibly get any worse?

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